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Everything posted by 0wl

  1. I think I may have found a film called "containment" made in 2015, am I the only one who didn't know the maze was potentially based on a film?
  2. After stumbling across a construction video for fright nights it appears the old Canada creek train might be the "sleeper express"
  3. The marquee I think is where the actors hang out to get food and rest so sadly doubt it
  4. I paticularly look forward to saw every year and I still don't know why? The theming is really enjoyable and it's usually a laugh, might not have a lot of tension but when I've been in there the actors have been good and I think it's great ?
  5. Damn autocorrect! Their snapchat was their fright night barriers over the walking route around saw alive, I could be wrong but it seems something different might be occuring
  6. Just saw tho toes snapchat, possible changes to saw alive???
  7. They said it would be a worlds first.. You know what guys, I think it is. I mean what other ride would have its shop open over 10x more than the actual ride.
  8. What is this suppost to be?
  9. Don't understand how the big top is better suited in the old MBV location, it's compact and less space than amity beach... Is this suggesting amity beach might have something new?
  10. Maybe they put in "effort" improved mbv
  11. Thorpe parks snapchat story involving an image which seems to be an (ofcourse) shipping container looking similar to MBV and seems to be in similar location???
  12. Thorpe took the wrong approach on big top, as it is more than clear they have been still trying to find a decent replacement to the asylum but settled with BT. They went for the idea of having the scenario loud and crazy when in my opinion the best mazes will lack audio and use silence and tension as a fear generator like the classics used to do so well, if Thorpe pull this off with platform 15 then I'm hopeful
  13. I think it's safe to suggest platform 15 will include a chunk which is indoors since it's being branded as a maze rather than a scare zone
  14. Anyone know what the "spooky" shed is for?
  15. Where will the attraction exit going to be though? If it is going up the Canada creek route then the next exit realisticly would be the Blair with enterance?
  16. It's no secret Thorpe enjoy promoting every new attraction as a worlds or Europes first can we probably expect something we "haven't seen before"
  17. I don't think the rides that bad, I was one of the first on rehearsal day and I found it really thrilling and in places terrifying! The graphics aren't perfect but it's beliveable in places, give it time but let's be thankful it's not a complete anti climax and the fact it's enjoyable and re rideable
  18. Do we know all the different "scenarios" are being used now including doles?
  19. I think it can easily be suggested that the new maze could be themed around DBGT but does anyone think it could involve riding a train through the forest aswell as a maze?
  20. Does anyone know how they managed to change the trained an underground train after the first VR bit?
  21. Going Saturday, hopefully should be open for the weekend ?
  22. Anyone know what happened to the "tower" which was suppost to advertise the ride outside on the plans?
  23. Am I the only one who thinks it might take place behind loggers leap where CCR used to be? One of the photos you can see in the background the tent of which the train is still kept next to loggers
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