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Theme Park Joseph

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Everything posted by Theme Park Joseph

  1. My favourite ride is loggers leap but seeing as that's closed and unlikely to reopen, the swarm is probably my new favorite ride
  2. Cheers Josh I'm really happy to be here
  3. Hi everyone I'm Joseph and I have been an enthusiast for about 4 years now. My favourite park in the uk is Thorpe Park and my favorite ride in the UK is Nemesis. This year I'm hoping to go to some parks outside the UK like Europa Park and Phantasialand.
  4. The ride looks out of place and just doesn't fit in with the surroundings. It shouldn't be in Old Town, I believe it would fit in better if it were put in Amity
  5. Does anyone here know if there have been any changes to the sign outside loggers this year or is it the exact same sign used as last year
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