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Everything posted by Vinlarr89

  1. Heard it’s the station this week on a few sources. Looking at the most recent update from TPG they’re saying 80% of footers complete and steel for station has been spotted. Site looks like it needs a bloody good clear up though, right mess at the moment
  2. I take all the rumours and sources with a pinch of salt. Would however be a great week (with the weather 😂) to make a start on the vertical construction element. Wont be able to get to the park until Fright Nights, so will be awaiting updates with much anticipation 😬😬
  3. Obviously no expert, but they’re have been two confirmed sightings of supports arriving this week, and DG95 posted to say that the island behind swarm was “filling up” Reports suggest 5 deliveries next week with track due on Wednesday allegedly. Vertical to start potentially on Thursday according to a few sources on twitter or X. Of course, could all be hype, JS said he thought it would be the week he gets back from Orlando, which I think is the following week.
  4. Apparently Track arriving next week and construction due to go vertical at the end of the week or the start of the week after if everything stays on plan. Mini heat wave next week should help that along. Station footers phase 1 have gone in, and work is now progressing on footers for the lift hill and the top end of the site where the double turnaround elements will be. Pace seems to be picking up frantically, but still think march is aggressive given the volume of work to do on site including the reinstating of the lake!
  5. Based on Shambhala I think 82 is possible. The steeper drop of exodus will decrease the resistance ratio and I believe the Mack lift will mean it’s a good 1 or 2 mph faster over the top.
  6. Can’t see it being more than 82mph. In theory 84 is possible but that assumes zero resistance and going over the top at 1ms. Would have to be a fast lifthill to allow it to exceed the 80mph IMO
  7. Probably the only one…. But I’m glad they gave very little away. The guessing only builds the anticipation more. Buzzing after the last couple of days content on exodus
  8. Think these will look different when they’re in situ. My only concern is how they will age as they fade. just watched the site update video. A lot to take in. Massive amount of work has clearly gone in to reach this point. Actually surprised by the amount of footers complete. Still think it’s a month off anything going vertical personally
  9. Got a feeling those pictures will be followed by a silkstone update as he usually seems to be the one taking the official photos. That will likely include the arrival of gold parts! Anyway from the update I must say, groundwork’s are so much more complicated than depicted on the plans! Good progress being made in what looks a vey congested and complex series of footers to produce
  10. Anything to do with SW7 opening delayed because of out of position footers?? 😂
  11. Actually with the right admixtures it will 😏 once the chemical reaction starts, hence how concrete can be poured under water. However generally you are correct, concrete isn’t poured in the rain as the increase in water content affects concrete strength. Not something you want in a coaster of this size!!
  12. Given the fact that there are several elements that are not only taller than stealths but more complex in construction due to the quantity of supports compared to a B&M design, I would expect construction to take significantly longer than the swarm. There are some big structures which will need assembling that exceed the 150ft mark, I believe in the plans 2 months are allocated for the vertical construction element.
  13. Still think from theme park guides latest update, we are 2 months away from going vertical. Lots of footers are now complete, however probably only 10% at best. I see a minimum of 6 further weeks to complete these, before vertical construction can likely begin. However the compact nature of the coaster should streamline the time to assemble once it goes vertical.
  14. Likelihood is that they are delivering the tops first so that the bases are closest to access first later on. All these things will be taken into consideration for ease of vertical construction. Got to say from Jacks video, the supports look enormous! Gonna be some structure. I know everyone is suspecting top of lift hill, but they may be for the big turnaround for the back of the site. Two reasons for that. One it’s the first ground pins that have gone in and the cure will be first. And secondly from an access point of view probably far easier to put that up first. This of course is a complete Hunch!
  15. Just dawned on me just how many deliveries it’s gonna take to deliver all the track and supports for a coaster of this scale. The steel work involved is massive!
  16. Ground pins on site, and the first shuttering for the footers assembled ready for concrete to be poured! Getting closer to the skyline changing forever. 🏗️🎢 https://themeparkguide.co.uk/news-page/Project-Exodus-Support-Footer-Ground-Pins-Delivered-To-Construction-Site
  17. I think it’s important to take a balanced view on some of those points. In relation to the IAAPA, there’s two sides to every story, and whilst what they did might not have been great, I’d hope they learnt from it, and maybe B&M did too. The question around the payday loan company, whilst it might be immoral, I’d argue how many sports teams and organisations have funded themselves off tobacco and gambling companies. Is it any more immoral than that? However the icon accident if true is simply immoral and unquestionable on every level. How anyone could profit from a tragedy and expect to be held in any form of regard is beyond me. I don’t actually know why they would do that to themselves, as it may have driven short term growth but at what cost? Either way, does that make Thorpe immoral for using them to help grow and promote themselves? I’m not sure I know where I sit with this one.
  18. The pile driving looks to be taking far longer than the original plan, however footers and pins should be getting installed now, with track and support delivery in July with vertical construction due to start towards the end of that month. Hard to tell how much is remaining of the piling, however looks 2-3 weeks behind the schedule to me.
  19. Not ridden this yet, but from the reviews I’ve read or watched I’m impressed with the work that’s gone into this. Honestly thought it would be undercooked, but everyone seems positive. Can’t wait to give it a go tbh. given the limitations of the ride system, it sounds as if Merlin have nailed it. Which is 3 attractions nailed this year. Think they’ve definitely raised the bar. Which makes me excited for the future
  20. I think what’s really important for Thorpe and Merlin to realise is that whilst adding a new attraction will increase or should increase visitor numbers and volume, it has an affect for a finite period of time before visitor numbers reduce back to baseline unless the investment is backed up or followed up with another investment. Adding a flat or water ride for 25 will be really critical in keeping the momentum of exodus going, as will the marketing and increase in events etc that support such investments. I think to really push on and get back to the parks good times, another big investment within 3 years will be necessary **cough** RMC **cough** 😂😂 to bring in and attract an international audience and grow the park further. Just my view of course
  21. Please don’t let anyone from Thorpe or merlin see that 😂😂
  22. 100% agree with all of what you’ve said. They definitely finally get it. In the insta world in which we live in, the giant lettering including all the detail is such a great move on the parks behalf. Not only from a marketing perspective, I think it lifts the visuals of the park and really uplifts it. I really hope they continue this momentum, and having seen the work on jumanji, am really excited by what they might do for the opening of exodus next year. Come on Merlin, keep it going. On the Aramark subject. Yeah, big mistake, hopefully they can terminate the contract sooner rather than later. As soon as I heard they were involved with Aramark I was concerned, they have a horrendous rep and it’s not only poor quality but overpriced
  23. It fits!!! Haha yes, good to see her back in one piece. Hopefully they can get testing underway soon and the ride back open! Doesnt half stand out like a sore thumb given the rest of the track looks so tired! Hopefully Thorpe bite the bullet next year and do the rest properly once exodus opens
  24. https://themeparkguide.co.uk/news-page/Thorpe-Junction-Ghost-Train-One-Last-Look I’ve got to be honest, and obviously reserving judgement until it’s complete. But there’s some good attention to detail going into this ride by the looks of this so far. Do Merlin finally get it? 😂
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