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About CoasterCreditsCymru

  • Birthday 02/27/1998

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    Busch Gardens Tampa

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  1. Looks like the lift hill base and other related mechanisms have been installed today! (shared by Attraction Source) https://www.instagram.com/p/C3XvRLONppH/?igsh=MnhqMjU0emY4ZW01
  2. Great progress today on the transfer track and outerbank turn! Credit to DG95 https://www.instagram.com/p/C2aN8Tzt5-f/?igsh=eTFzOWplMGk2NGZz
  3. Agreed! I wouldn't say that these trims are a cause for much concern just yet. Other Hyper Coasters from Mack Rides, such as DC Rivals in Australia and Hyper Coaster in Turkey, also have trims which don't seem to have much of an effect on the pacing of the ride. It's also been speculated that these trims are installed in case the train is travelling too fast through the layout. I think that's what we could be seeing here.
  4. Theme Park Guide's latest Hyperia Construction Update article (07/01/2024) has just been published (link below). A brief summary to follow; - More track and supports have been installed on the lower sections of the ride, with work continuing on the support structures for the Immelmann / Stall Dive. - Theming has started inside the station, with doors installed on the station and maintenance shed. - There are currently two large items being protected from the elements outside the maintenance shed. Unsure as to what these are at the moment. https://themeparkguide.co.uk/news-page/7th-January-2024-Hyperia-Construction-Work-Resumes
  5. Personally, I'd hazard a guess that everything planned for March 2024 in the video only includes the work as part of the Sparkle Project. They also mentioned in the video that it is an ambitious timeline which could be affected by unforeseen delays (such as weather), which would make a March opening for Hyperia doubtful. A Late April / Early May opening for Hyperia is my prediction at the moment!
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