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    Thorpe Park

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  1. That’s a real shame, really enjoyed checking the group over closed season for the updates. What was the intended purpose for the group if anyone knows cause it seems a shame for it to go?
  2. Hopefully they do something with that area over closed season. Although there is the massive possibility that since the viewing platform has been scrapped Thorpe think that there is no need tidying the lake area up as no one is really going to see it/pay too much attention to it due to the 7ft fence in the way…
  3. Spotted by digital dan on instagram. The track section in the splashdown is starting to go orange, what do we think this is? I don’t want to say it’s rust as you would think they paint would protect the metal underneath, but could be the gold beginning to fade maybe?
  4. I've noticed it's been stopping on the MCBR recently too. Got a really nice view of a group being evaced from there on Hyperia open day when I was going up the lift hill.
  5. Don't really mind what kind, but a coaster on the island behind the swarm would be awesome and a good use of space. Although that said a RMC wouldn't do any harm... Not the biggest fan of water rides, so not overly fussed by the idea of a log flume, however I do see that would be a good addition to the park!
  6. Oh cool, so like the bit infront or that taco place? That seems quite cool, not sure how useful it will be though…
  7. Where on park is that? Can't tell exactly where it is, looks like the lakeside plaza eating area thingy where the hyperia opening day queue was but I could be wrong…?
  8. Shhhhh you weren’t meant to see that bit…
  9. Shame to hear she’s having some issues. So glad I got down yesterday even if I did queue for like 6 hours, it’s truly an amazing ride. Goes straight to the top of my albeit rather lacking list of ridden coasters! Also to echo what people have been saying on here, the queue system was insanely well organised, no pushing, people were good natured, cool mist being sprayed in the queue and the staff being super friendly and well drilled for when you needed to go to the toilet. Congrats to thorpe on the front, brilliant system!
  10. They really are cutting it fine aren’t they!
  11. Don't think the fake shop scene has been in use for a while, haven't been into that scene in my last 4 rides on Ghost Train (last time probably being July last year). I do think it's a shame if they've stopped using it, it always used to catch my mates who had never done the ride before off guard after I'd convinced them that we we're going to get their photos.
  12. I really like the ad, think it gets to the point quickly and doesn't overdo it too much.
  13. We're a bit late for that... Still nice to hope though
  14. I think the lack of theming with Hyperia was always to be expected though, it’s rather difficult to theme something 236ft tall. However, that said, I do agree Thorpe could have done more with the stylising of the coaster, maybe some rock work or stand out theming pieces where the ride swoops close to the ground. We’ve had the debate about it being an old era Merlin project taken over by the new team before, and I think this has definitely had an impact on the theme. So it’s not entirely a complete reflection on the future of the park, but it also doesn’t pain a good impression on visitors; Thorpe’s newest coaster is a gold box with an incoherent theme about flying or something.
  15. It’s the starting section of the film and the bit with the race where they figure out they have to drive backwards to win. It’s not especially long and rather underwhelming in my opinion. The effects don’t seem thoroughly thought out, it’s a lot of there’s this action so play the same effect we did last time, if that makes sense…
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