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Posts posted by Fred

  1. So a program has never froze? Hung? Unexpectedly quit? Lagged? Committed a pretty suicide? Lies!

    Amazingly happens to me all the time on macs whenever I use them. Oh yeah, they're not designed to be networked. Useless piece of s**t they are to me then.Edit: *has just skipped 4 pages to reply to this*
  2. I used to enjoy The Vampire, but it has become rather too much of the same thing.

    Yeah that happens to rides when you ride them more than once, they do tend to be the same thing.. same layout, same trains.. same boring tree to pass. Same station etc. Only real difference is the change of staff. Therefore I think they will revamp vampire also.
  3. Hmm.. I'm wondering whether most people have billions of pairs of PJs and change them daily, or just a few pairs and wear them a while.I'm a person of a few pairs, I only wear my tigger PJs and only really on special occasions (or if I'm staying away!).. some girls I know wear the same ones more than one night in a row, others change every evening. Just interested!

  4. I could be wrong, but did the electric pylon ever let off a few sparks now and then? I'm not sure cos thinking about it that could have had deadly effects. ;)

    Yeah, well it definitely had the SFX of sparking anyway. Good old tidal wave.As for the sink, it was working last year.. I've only ridden that ride twice, both times last year so there we go.
  5. RMT was skipped as it's queue was 30 minutes long.... Duel was walk-on even though the extension was open...

    What the hell, RMT and duel had their extentions open?! Not even on extremely busy days have I seen that tbh. (both coming out of entrance, so RMT looks like 30mins.. but its only 5mins).As for CATCF.. I go on it every time I go, at least once. Fallen in love with the ride, its got the amusement of X really.
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