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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Visited thorpe with scouts in erm 02.. and then 04.. then carried on from there for some reason. Was a good place, found southparks, found this board and joined at a later date.. decided to visit chessie in erm first day 06, and converted then and there.

  2. Wooo.. media dept are being all stressy and busy moderating coursework as its to be sent off on friday. The deadline for everything was today (the idiots).As for me.. I have yet to start erm.. any of it. Go 2000 word essay and crap tonight! :P

  3. Why Raynes Park High? Surely, every child in the country would be pissed off if they had to pay.

    Yeah I would be. I only get on free around here cos I know the drivers. Otherwise £1 each way for school!111
  4. Not great for people who need to get the bus everyday >_<.

    Oh god yeah, that train fare which I pay everyday is a hella annoying. Oh not free? Damn.
  5. The wonderfully clever Marc Simpson thought that noone came to TPM for audio and it wasn't popular even though its one of the most visited pages of the site, so he deleted it. Because he's a bit dim.

  6. Slow way of going by train.. St Pancras to Derby is a hell of a lot quicker reading by your journey times.. got to alton in about 3hrs. Got to love the buses there though, and I do prefer pendilinos to meridians but whatever!Nice trip.. the rocking horse wasn't working last week either. Mental about the queues though, maximum we queued when we went during easter holidays was like 20mins! Mental s**t :angry:

  7. Copying and pasting is easier since C and V are right along side it.

    Wow, never thought of that before. The much easier not spacing your hand out 2cm.. tbh my fingers cope better with the control + v, as there isn't physically enough space for my fingers otherwise. Interesting way to try and advertise/bum a mac.. but okay.
  8. yeah, but instead of ctrl its got cmd.Command/Control.

    Which means the same thing.. do something. Whats the point in it when the control/command keyboard function doesn't do much, instead you have to use cloverleaf.. I'm sure cloverleaf isn't a command word :angry:
  9. Glad you didn't say keyboard controls.. the thing which really bugs me is having to use the cloverleaf thing instead of erm.. control.. just for them to be different! Especially after working on a pc all day :angry:

  10. I told myself, but then again I hate them. Took me 30mins to f**king start up a normal (NON-NETWORKED) iMac which is erm.. 2yrs old now. f**king useless!Just gotta hate them.. they dont like me.. so yeah! Compared to the dells which always work and start up and login in about a minute.. ger

  11. I gave it to my mum.

    OMFGOES! How the hell could you do that, thats mental.. I'd be upset if something so precious to me just ends up gathering dust with my mum :angry:
  12. Only my friends understand what I mean when I say that.Basically I have a specific bus I have to get on. If I miss it I have to walk a long way. The school might have cancelled the bus.Simple enough for you?

    If your schools open, they wouldn't have cancelled the bus. The bus company has a contract to run and will do it regardless. Even if only one year groups open, both your school and your bus company has a legal right to get you to school. Extremely simple love.And what you're talking about is what I was thinking about. I live in the middle of the countryside with no bus routes going anywhere near the school, all of our buses are "specific buses".
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