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Posts posted by Fred

  1. I'm not sure it was the best idea to put a control box where the GP can go though.

    Yeah I know, that is stupid. No other rides at thorpe do that.. apart from rocky, all the small rides, rush to some extent.. :)
  2. I only got on Detonator, Colossus, and Vortex but I got free fastracks from my teachers so I managed to get on X:\No Way Out and Tidal Wave aswell ;)

    So, you actually "only got on" detonator, Colossus, vortex, X and Tidal wave.. 5 rides for 5hrs or so.. pretty decent for thorpe.
  3. The other down point is having to work 7-2 on a saturday. It is actual torture...=/

    7-3 waitrose staff dining room. Its actual pretty good fun, though I am always dead by the end of the shift ;).As for tesco.. blah all of it is crap, I worked in produce and it was *****, I enjoyed going onto the tills.. only because it was something else to do. Not that I was properly trained on it, I just made up what I was meant to do.. must've overcharged/undercharged like.. everyone.
  4. ;) sexist. I know guys who clean aswell.

    I meant like.. suddenly having the urge to uber clean sommet which is a tip.. like kitchen or bathroom or entire house. Dunno any guys who get that compulsion. I clean a lot, but because my work requires me to.. not at home though. Currently sitting around a landfill.
  5. I didnt get a picture as I dont take pictures of planks of wood unfortunatly.

    That's not what I saw last closed season mr simpson. Unless you class wood which has been painted as sommet else/special :D
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