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Ideas For New Staff Clothing?



This may be pointless to some, however in the past few days I have purchased and received my McLaren t-shirts for the 2012 F1 season, and when I got the shirts I looked at them and felt the shirts (with little tweaks) would really suit Thorpe Park staff, is not all the Merlin Theme parks! If you look at the shirt you can see its 100% polyester, so it’s comfortable and cool (summer obliviously) I was thinking that the Wight shirt would be perfect for ride staff and general staff. It may seem crazy, but let me give you a run down;http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=mclaren+shirts+2012+front+and+back&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1024&bih=571&tbm=isch&tbnid=zOiKrErYAmMP_M:&imgrefurl=http://www.grandprixproducts.com/store/prod.aspx%3Ft%3D1%26d%3D2%26c%3D187%26p%3D2336&docid=jzP1sjEbUrQYLM&imgurl=http://www.grandprixproducts.com/uploadedimages/storeimages/large/p2336.large.png&w=425&h=251&ei=GLt5T_foEoiJ0AWRucmUDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=313&vpy=64&dur=1094&hovh=172&hovw=292&tx=115&ty=124&sig=110966300876112842957&page=1&tbnh=87&tbnw=147&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0Vodafone advertisement; Thorpe Park logoMercedes logo; Merlin EntertainmentsMobil 1; 'Staff'On the rear of the shirt, it would have a larger Thorpe Park logo as well as the year under, with possibly 'staff' printed on the back.The sleeves would feature not only the park logos, but possibly Merlin’s current main advertiser 'MasterCard' and possibly a few of the ride logos and other theme parks.The current 'rocket red' strips around the shoulder and neck would be changed into blue and orange/red to fit in with the Thorpe park colors.Sorry, if you do not like the idea, but I feel having staff in a more 'team' style clothing would really add to the park, it also could be a new venture for the parks to go into 'Official team/park clothing' to sell to the General public, to make the GP feel part of the park, just like a football club or any sports team has. Its probably hard to get your heads around my idea, yes there is money involved, and so therefore 'it will never happen' however I feel if you could offer a product that really stands and gets the GP's attention, then you are on to a winner, it would mean every year people would want that years clothing range, usually clothes that only staff get to wear (there lies a problem) if everyone in the park looks the same, how will people know who are the staff?Here lies the wording 'Staff' on the actual shirts and the GP shirts will have 'Official member' or something similar.If you have a brand of official wear and not just a random hoddie with stealth’s logo on it, think of the possibilities it opens to exploit even more money out of, if say Thorpe park decided to do something similar to my idea, they would slowly run the old clothing out of stock and slowly bring in a new design, that really is appeasing on the eye, that can then be put in the park stores and sold for a decent price because 'you' are becoming part of the 'team' and it is 'you' that is showing your support for 'Thorpe park' or whatever park that would have it.I also felt General staff could wear something like that, whereas the Tickets and customer service staff would wear these types of polo’s;http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=mclaren+polo&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1024&bih=571&tbm=isch&tbnid=lfQWl4ync5p9XM:&imgrefurl=http://vfmcm.official-merchandise.com/Vodafone-McLaren-Lifestyle-Male-Black-Polo-Shirt-VML505.htm&docid=rH8QdVAUKinHNM&imgurl=http://vfmcm.official-merchandise.com/images/uploaded/VML505%252520LIFESTYLE%252520POLO%252520ANTH.jpg&w=500&h=500&ei=R7x5T-jTJ4ew0QWXhqWbDQ&zoom=1http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=mclaren+polo&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1024&bih=571&tbm=isch&tbnid=lfQWl4ync5p9XM:&imgrefurl=http://vfmcm.official-merchandise.com/Vodafone-McLaren-Lifestyle-Male-Black-Polo-Shirt-VML505.htm&docid=rH8QdVAUKinHNM&imgurl=http://vfmcm.official-merchandise.com/images/uploaded/VML505%252520LIFESTYLE%252520POLO%252520ANTH.jpg&w=500&h=500&ei=R7x5T-jTJ4ew0QWXhqWbDQ&zoom=1A far more simple however yet formal shirt,Vodafone McLaren Mercedes; Thorpe Park StaffRear McLaren Symbol; small embroded Thorpe Park logoI feel it should be embroyded on the shirt and should be given a different color change from the rocket red to blue and orange, to symbolize Thorpe parks colors.It could cause confusion you may say, however I feel with the right amount of care and attention, I feel staff-wear like this could in fact be a smart way of going about the Merlin Business.I would recommend all staff as they do currently have a Thorpe Park lanyard, which also GP could purchase with 'Official member' written on instead of 'Staff'You have to look at the Merlin Parks as a brand, And I feel they are not exploiting what it could be, I can go to nearly any Theme Park and see at least 1 person with ride logo hoddies/shirts, but I don't feel that sells itself to everyone else who look at that shirt, in fact half the time most people will not know what 'the swarm' on a shirt means. Therefore if you create something that staff and guests would love to wear and be proud to show off their support, then you have created something that can advertise the business and the sponsors, if the parks so wished to add to the shirt.In my opinion it is just like a sport, most fans will have the team shirt and wear it every time they watch their team, so why not the theme parks? They have explored some angles however, not to the depth I feel they should explore!Sorry if this was in the wrong area, and feel free to lock it, ban it or insult it, if you so wish, or if you feel it has no place on this site. However I feel it was worth mentioning, and thank you for reading and listening to my ideas, feel free to add what you feel should be added.Thanks very much,Th13teen

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