Where the magic never ends...
Alton Towers - Where the magic never ends!
Well, according to multiple enthusiasts, the magic had indeed ended, people say it like its happened only recently, but really "The Magic" everyone talks about died long ago, I'd say in around 2005, the image of manufactured magic went out the window. In 2011 the new, Seuss like , quirky marketing style started, its fine and it fits the park well in my opinion, but many long for the manufactured magic to return, but the truth is, although the manufactured magic is gone, there is still A magic in the park
And it lies within the Towers themselves
The majestic, Gothic masterpiece of the Towers possesses a bewitching magic unmatched by any other Theme Park, the surrounding Gardens and local lore creates a unique backdrop for a fantastic Theme Park, without the Towers themselves, the park would be an empty, hollow place.
Thing is though, Towers need to step up their game, some people dont notice the real magic when multiple areas of the park are looking tired and worn out, no number of new rides is going hide an often cracked and broken park, I love the place, But it is in dire need of a spruce up.
Although new investments will bring people in, lasting impressions will bring people back.
Photo stolen taken from ThemeParkReview, Not used with permission, please dont shout at me.
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