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25 things that are better then Tornado at Bakken




Tornado at Bakken is one of the worst rollercoasters I have ever had the misfortune of riding. It is so atrociously bad that it made me wonder what 25 things are better then it. Here is what I came up with and I hope you enjoy reading.

1. Being kicked in the testicles

2. Going to the Dentist

3. Riding Furius Baco none stop for an hour

4. Crashing your car into a wall

5. Being mugged

6. Having to endure a queueline at PortAventura

7. Driving in Italy

8. Being sick after a heavy night out drinking

9. Getting the Victoria line during rush hour

10. Sitting next to someone with body odour on a packed out London bus

11. Watching Holby City

12. Enduring homophobic abuse

13. Going all the way to Towers and finding out the Smiler is closed

14. Reading Theme Park Review

15. Being insulted by Robb Alvey

16. Shopping at Asda

17. Shopping at Primark

18. Eating Brocolli

19. Eating Brussel Sprouts

20. Flying with Ryanair

21. Being stuck in a lift with someone who has just farted

22. Queuing for Colossus on one train operation

23. Living next to very loud neighbours

24. Riding Saw. At all.

25. Visiting Chessington during the 2013 season


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