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Merlin Rollercoastermatic Universe (MRC) - Part Two

Liam T


Welcome to part two of a bored, slightly humorous random blog post on a Sunday Evening!


Last week, I introduced you to The Merlin Rollercoastermatic Universe, (which is like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, just less Iron Man and more disappointment).

There's been two main phases since Merlin's take over in (2007/08), the first one is named, hype, and you can read about it here!

The second phase is called, unoriginal;

The Unoriginal Phase (2012-2015)

The Swarm^ (B&M, Built in 2012) -

The Swarm started off well, the plans showed us that the UK is getting it's first B&M in 9 years and the theming looked incredible, but unfortunately, Merlin had to step in and create an USP for The Swarm, something all new rollercoaster's had to have now, apparently. Thus the tagline 'The Europe's tallest/UK’s first winged rollercoaster' was created.

The Swarm was received well, but didn't bring the guest in, was it because the GP didn't know what a 'winged rollercoaster' is, or maybe The Olympic's being in the same year? No one really knows the answer, but a year later, to try and give this already unoriginal layout and theme another lease of life, they turned two rows of seats backwards and re-marketed it as the new attraction for 2013... :rolleyes:

The Smiler* (Gerstlauer, Built in 2013) -

Let's be very honest here... The Smiler's whole planning, construction, and opening was more messy than me after 5 rounds of Tequila. The opening was delayed, not once, not twice but THREE TIMES. The groundwork being so poor, it feels like you've visited the Alton Towers Waterpark, not The Smiler, and that theme song that just haunts you for the next two weeks.

The Smiler USP was very clever, 14 inversions, with most of them being hidden during planning, just a shame 8 of them try to paralyse you. Whats unoriginal about it you say? If I wanted a poorly built ride to disable me, I'd ride Saw The Ride. :P

Flug der Dämonen^ (B&M, Built in 2014) -

Flug der Dämonen didn't have a USP, that is because it really was The Swarm 2, the ride cars are identical, the theme is identical, most of the ride elements are identical... apart from that cool looking inversion!

It wasn't a world's first, or Europe's first... it was just, a really good rollercoaster, that happens to have ugly white coloured track.

Oblivion: The Black Hole (B&M, Built in 2015) -

Talking of ugly white track, finishing our wonderful unoriginal phase, is the most unoriginal rollercoaster of them all!

Heide Park got a dive coaster, then a winged rollercoaster... Gardaland got a winged rollercoaster... now it's getting a dive rollercoaster, did they get them buy one get one free or something?!

The layout looks fun though! Just a shame the marketing and name of this rollercoaster, is literally two rides from X-Sector, and Oblivion 2.0.

So that brings us to the present day, Oblivion: The Black Hole hasn't opened yet so we're unsure how the story will unfold, so expect an update in April time, but that is our two phases!

What is the next phase? I hear you say...

Well unlike Marvel who have released phase 3, we're really unsure what Merlin is going to do.

2016 is going to be Thorpe Park's & Merlin's next big investment, which we all thought was going to be a rollercoaster, but turns out, to be a dark ride... Alton Towers has rumours flying here, there and everywhere about Wooden Valley Coaster, and our lovely European parks might get a flying coaster called, Air - The Blade.

Who knows? ;)

Thank you all for reading.

Trolley Dolly (Liam T) :pardon:


* - World's First

^ - Taller than 100ft

USP - Unique Selling Point


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Thing is, they actually got sets of the same rides on a sort of deal, I believe



Yes, air the blade is totes happening. Plus chessington toadies intamin tyre launch replacement, and 2019 rapids.

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Thank you all for the kind comments and laughs! I'm glad I could add some amusement (pardon the pun) during the closed season. 

Honestly, I do see the pattern between all of these rollercoasters! It makes me afraid of what Merlin may have up their sleeves for the next phase!  


Till then, anything else you would like me to mock... I mean review?  ;)


Love of love my little dollies! 


Liam T x

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