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Everything posted by Sheepie

  1. Sheepie


    This happened to me last week. It was so annoying. In the end, I just got a new account, and I spent a lovely hour tranferring all of my contacts from one place to the other
  2. Sheepie


    LOL!Please help me!!! I'm listenig to Shayne Ward. This is an all time low for me- I've hit rock bottom HAHA!!But seriously, when people see me at Thorpe, just hit me, I need to be punished for listening to him. I blame my mate tbh.And yes I am aware that saying that I need to be punished sounds bad
  3. Sheepie


    ANd what's the fun in that?!
  4. Sheepie


    I'm really happy atm! Hehe.
  5. Sheepie


    We will be seeing other BB's. Without a doubt.Besides, even if channel 4 did drop the show, then surely another network will buy the rights anyway- it's a ratings winner for channel 4, every time, and always has been.Finally, if you needed more assurance that there will be another BB, then the auditions are still going- surely if they were to stop producing the showm they would stop holding auditions?Also, channel 4 have a licence for the show until the end of the 10th (or 11th?) series.So, that leaves just enough time for me to audition next year
  6. Sheepie


    LOOOL!!!That would be tooo funny if that happened.
  7. Sheepie


    My IT tech is HAWT!!
  8. Sheepie


    Thank you so much!!Thank you!!Finally somone who also thinks it's gotten blow out of proportion. Now, what Jade said was racist, but come on, she is nowhere intelligent enough to actuallt come to any conscious state to even realize it.And, if you're in such a confined space like the BB house, people will annoy you, and even though we all deny it, we do bitch about people who annoy us and don't like. We can't get on with everyone- that's impossible.And another note, there have been a record amount of complaints about Big Brother this year. Why? This incident has probably been the only one in BB history where a situation inside the house has actually reflected the society of the outside world- which is what it was originally meant to be. I mean, incidents like this happen all over the world, everyday, in all of our lives.
  9. Chessington also have a McDonalds, oh sorry I mean CrapDonalds
  10. Sheepie


    Thank you!!!!Couldn't have put it better myself.
  11. ^ *Hi- five*Yaaaay!Pizza Hut buffet is sexy.Although, the ribs were nice, and Sleepy Joe's was themed amazingly.
  12. Sheepie


    I'm going to bed now I think.Night, night everyone.
  13. Sheepie


    Wow, I can actually say that that has taken me to places I never knew existed.
  14. Sheepie


    Please somone talk. I'm so ill and I can't sleep as my mother has gone out to pick my step dad up and I have to look after my brother and sister.Please relieve me.It's lonely at this time.
  15. OOOO I like the first two alot. Second one has to be my favourite.
  16. Sheepie


    What, we're meeting at Thorpe?! And to think I would have gone all the way to Alton Towers for absolutely no reason. Lol... I dunno, I'll MSN you or something in a minute.
  17. Other hobbies include posting on internet forums at 00:16 at night.
  18. Sheepie


    Hmmm... I'm under strict orders to post something apparently.So yeah, this is a post, and this is what it looks like. < that smiley is round and has sunglasses on it.Yep.Ahh... I think I might answer Seb's question from another topic.*Looks*!!!Just realized it dissappeared when *someone* messed up the forum.Well it went something like this..... Errrm, no, although that would be a pretty cool idea tbh.Actually, I think we should do that, we should create a TPM Chav group. We can take classes in being pathetic and sad (wow I just described myself) and a complete waste of space.Hmmmm is that enough for you now Marc?Don't say I never do anything for you eh?!
  19. Sheepie


    They are both stunning edits I have to say.
  20. I love writing, anything really, I just need a stimulus, or an idea. I love Psychology, I find it really interesting, and tbh, it has changed the way I do things in my everyday life since I chose it for A- level.I also Love playing the keyboard- I'm a bit slow at reading music, but I just love anything musical. That reminds me I need to upload them vids onto youtube....I love reading, but it has to grab me within the first few pages or I just get bored. Playing Games (hehe yeah I'm still a child really). Ok this one might sound cheesy, but I actually just love helping people, I thrive on giving advice to people and I genuinally just want to help them. It makes me feel good tbh.I also love to think alot, and I actually like being by myself sometimes to just sit and think about things- sometimes good, sometimes not so good.And above all, I just like to enjoy everything that I do. I always try to entertain people and make them laugh- I seem to get a kick out of it.God, I talk way tooo much, sorry for longness. Oh and obviously theme parks and stuff!
  21. Sheepie


    Hmm.... had an exam today, waited up bexleheath with my friend, came home, ate some lunch, and then went to bed!! I didn't wake up until like 19:00, and I'm actually just getting tired again, something is like seriously wrong. : \
  22. Sheepie


    Very.Although we can be sad together as I'm reading all about dreams and their many interpretations.
  23. Sheepie


    I think I just saw a tumble- weed!!*Cough*
  24. Well it was just an idea I guess.I was just thinking of things that would utilize the space more than anything else really.
  25. I think it just needs to be revitalized.Just off the top of my head, something that would make it more popular is something like a treasure hunt or something.It could be based on Spongebob or something and you have to find Mr Krabs' money.With trained staff and a basic storyline, with a few simple water effects, it could be a really cool aspect for the kids.It could be a permanent thing in the summer.In the winter, they could open it up to adults and perhaps have a BBQ on there or something- roasted chestnuts?They could have patio heaters and it could be a really nice atmosphere.It just needs something as it's just a beach at the moment, nothing else. It's such a large space and does have a lot of potential.
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