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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Surely a 'chav' is more likely to get the bus and thus increase crime if it's free than if you have to pay, Will? Also, can we end the stereotypes please, they really grind my gears.Besides, as far as I'm aware Brois Johnson's plan is to take free travel away from those who abuse it, cause a nuisance, graffiti, vandalise etc. etc. Kinda figures.

  2. I also remember teachers strikes back in primary school, and our teachers not taking part. Grr!I have to go in on Thursday for lessons with any teachers who aren't striking. Also grr.

  3. IF you want some propa nice food, get the train to Thorpe, and at a station go to Caffe Ritazza. The do the most stunning Ham & Cheese Ciabattas, toasted up all nice. Absolutely delish. Also, get a Bite Discount Card and you can have 20% off.Schweet!

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