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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Apocolypse is amazing - better than Hurakan Condor imo. Shame you missed out on stand-up floorless, that really is brilliant!Not much else at Drayton mind, Shockwave ain't bad, but Apocolypse is worth the admission price on it's own! :D

  2. Heh, been there done that. Enjoy the pain, it won't wear off until some time tomorrow, and will almost definitely keep you awake for a while! :lol:Will be fine after that though, provided you don't go stubbing your toe on things!

  3. Well isn't that just bollocks. Chessington came first, not Thorpe. Chessington wasn't built from scratch purposely for 'small young children and families'. In fact, in it's heyday (which, I'll admit, is long gone), CWoA was a high ranking thrill seekers park, and Thorpe was a s**t hole (maybe not so much has changed after all!).It is only in the last couple of years that this new, and frankly ridiculos stance has been taken by Tussauds, and Chessington has been promoted as soley for families, although thier view of what a family is is quite distorted.That said, Thorpe needs to keep an area for the smaller kids, because believe it or not, the staff don't filter people out that arn't 'thrill seekers' and younger people are still allowed entry (admitedly, just because Tussauds want thier money), so it would be nice if there was actually something for them to do.

  4. I thought the place was pretty bleh to be honest, it is nothing like Alton, which I personally love. On the day of my visit the place was full of big groups of loud, queue jumping, obnoxious Spanish gits, which kinda spoilt it a bit.Stampidia was good, only tried on train I think, Blue. Might have done both, can't remember! The Log Flume was indeed excellent, not much in the way of theming or anything, just very wet.As for Hurakan Condor, I didn't think much of it really, much prefer Drayton Manor's only redeeming feature - Apocolypse. Hurakan Condor is badly organised, with no choice of which side you sit, the extra height adds little to the ride, and it tries to kill you half way down.

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