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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Marc sucks at provinding information. Annual Pass holders will indeed need reprints, but here is why.

    EXISTING TUSSAUDS ANNUAL PASS HOLDERS - your pass is still valid at Alton Towers Resort, THORPE PARK, Chessington & Zoo, Madame Tussauds, the London Eye, Warwick Castle. Please note that upon your next visit to one of these attractions you will need to get your card re-printed, this is due to a new Annual Pass system, so please make your way to the relevant Annual Pass office (this excludes LEGOLAND© Windsor, SEA LIFE, Dungeons and Sanctuaries).[/qoute]From http://www.annual-pass.com/holding_page.asp
  2. Oooh Mikey you silly theng! Go get some sleep Mr, you'll feel better in the morning. If you are reading this in the morning, then I hope you did go to sleep and you do feel better!You're not a freak, and yeah you best be cringing! :DBut really hun, hope things improve for you and you get better soon... Perhaps try some TCP!Night night/good morning, love from me!

  3. any half decent antiviral software runs on boot and is therefore using system resources from the start, is what I think Phill means. You're running Vista though, so you're fooed whatever way you look at it! ;-)

  4. I'd be interested to hear why OS X is 'stupid' Seb. Re: The MacBook Air being 'overhyped'; it's called marketing. The fact that we are talking about it now means that the marketing has been a success.As for build quality, I dunno what planet you lot are on, but every Apple product I've ever owned has been top-notch. You can't say that an all-alluminium device is a bad idea! All my iPods and my iPhone are gorgeously made.

  5. The only thing with the CD vs. Digital is that people like to have a physical copy of things they have paid good money for, something tangeable. Also you can look at situations like at a gig, where you may want to be able to go and buy a bands CD at the end of the show, perhaps one of the support bands you may not have heard of before.Either way, I give it more than a few years before we see the back of physical formats alltogether. BluRay has barely begun to grow in the market yet, and considering the cost of bandwidth at current prices if everyone suddenly started to download High definition films, the cost to the use would be mad. You also get back to my point of users wanting to have something tangeable for their cash.That said, I agree that digital downloads are without a doubt the way forward. While CDs aren't dead yet, theyre defo writing their wills.As for the MacBook Air, you get what you pay for really. The base model is faster than Sony's current leading sub-notebook as well as being cheaper and thinner. I disagree that it only appeals to people who travel a lot though. Like the MacBook, I think it appeals to a wide range of people purely due to the amazing design. Agreed, the price tag is hefty, but when you compare it to competitors its a fairly good deal. Of course it has more going for it than just design, but it's clearly a major factor as seen by Apple's marketing emphasis on 'Thinness'. Defo aiming at people in Socio-Economic Groups A and B though, with a high disposable income. That has always been the way though, Apple produces high end premium priced desireable products, it's what they do, and if the started tapping into the cheaper lower/working class market, it would have a detrimental affect on their reputation.Just a few of my thoughts anyhoo. :DI'm at work on my iPhone so apologies for this being a bit brief and sketchy, will expand when I return homeward!

  6. But the exchange rate is only like that because the dollar is weak atm, its improving though.. if this was in a few months time, the difference will be much tigher..


    Yeah, but my point is, there is that differance. I despise how we are charged a premium for things in comparison to buying from the US, which is why I'm not surprised so many people have been taking shopping trips to New York of late!Of course I fully understand the reasons for it, the higher running costs of stores in the UK, the additional cost of shipping and the stupidly high amount of VAT we pay, what I'm saying is I don't agree with it.
  7. I love the classic white design of the MacBook, I hope they don't change the entire range of hardware products over to the gunmetal. The white is old skool! That said, I adore the latest iMacs. It's swings and roundabouts!Seb - conversion makes a differance when the product gets to the UK and you are charged more than if you bought it in the US. For example, the MacBook Air is £1,199 in the UK and $1,799 in the US. If you convert the UK price to USD, you are paying $2,356.

  8. f**k ME! £1,199!! Silly me for thinking $1,799 might actually turn out to be somewhere near the exchange rate!Well f**k getting that then, that is a lot of money, even if it is inline with competitors!It's still fit as though ;)Edit: Ok, I screwed up the maths, £700 is very wishful thinking! Conversion says £914, so I guess the price ain't to bad. Especially considering what you get for the money. Phwoar.

  9. Ommgoes, Apple g33k fit ;)I caught the end of it, iPhone update baby! ;) Although, $20 to get it on the iTouch, what a rip! Especially when you can get all that functionality for free on a hacked one.MacBook Air ey. Well I never. If I roll into £700 or so at some point, hell yeah I'll get one! Ok, I give up being refined, that this is a GORGEOUS engineering feat, I love how Apple always keep the design together too, best of both worlds. As for the optical drive sharing, that s**t is just damn awesome!

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