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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Jesus, waiting freakin' forever and then doing a s**tty job of it to. Go give them peoples a good slapping!Let's hope O2's customer support is better when they get a phonecall from me soon... :P

  2. You tell them Cringles!My brother has been all leik 'meh it's nothing special'... but all he knows about it is what the effing Daily Mail told him. I saw the article the other day and they didn't even get the effing stats right for christs sake!Jeez, some people! :D

  3. Outlook [Express], never used Thunderbird so not really a fair judgement though. I use Opera built-in mail now anyway, Outlook use is very rare!Marc, how you can say Nokia I don't know, you suck. :D1.1.1 or 1.1.2 ?

  4. Blah. Mikey has had an odd evening.I'm yet to go to sleepies. Lol. I was supposed to get up in half hour anyways.I just wanna say thanks to everyone that's been there for me really. You know who you are, and I don't tell you enough.


    Mike you actual boob, you're gonna be zombie-like the next few days now!Aw blessers, we love Mikey, and being around for him is always a pleasure, totally worth it. :D
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