Thorpe Park13th August 2006For once, I'd actually planned a trip to Thorpe, rather than just deciding at the last minute.We arrived at the park at around quarter to ten. The Dome was pretty busy, due to the weather, which meant that the park itself was pretty empty. Everything - everything that was open - was walk on. We headed to Depth Charge, for a soaking. Two rides and a good laugh later, we decided to see what else was open.At 10am, the following rides and attractions were closed:Stealth, Nemesis, Zodiac, Detonator and Pirates 4DThat's just a few that I saw. Also noticed Rush on one-swing, as it was all day...maybe some more rides were closed, but two-thirds of the biggun's were down. :(We then headed to Rumba, where we had a fun ride...I got drenched, due to a) the rain, the weight of our boat and c) the waves yay.After that, we went to see if Nemesis was still closed, which it was.Third water ride in a row next, Loggers, which was also walk-on. Had a good ride on that, followed by another good ride each with our own boat (there was five of us).After that, we went on Zodiac, which had now opened.The only time we queued all day was 20 minutes on Colossus, and it was worth every minute. I had a surprisingly good, smooth ride. ;)Then it was time for some grub, so off to BBQ for a rib meal and a pint of fosters...was quite nice, although since they obviously knew me, they piled the bloody lattice fries on. Sorry, but are they trying to fatten me up?Next, I met up with some of the donut girls and we went for another ride on Loggers. Was fun...I was sandwiched between two women, so I'm hardly gonna complain. :PThe weather, at this point, had picked up. I spent up until 2pm with the girls, when they had to go to work. :(I then met up with Danny Boy. Got my single rider wristband and then headed towards Stealth, where we chatted to Jo-Jo-Jamie. Met up with Tina, Dan's mate, and headed to Rumba, for an embarrassing ride with my family. I mean embarrassing, too. Then we headed to Nemesis. This was the last ride of the day for us. The train after mine got stuck at the bottom of the hill, just as the rain started coming down.By 'coming down', I mean bucketing it down. The rain was constant and closed pretty much all of the rides (CCR, SIAT and X stayed open).We headed to Collie to see their photo unit leaking...slightly...which was rather funny. Then came the thunderstorms.I then left Danny Boy to go to OG, where I stayed under shelter annoying...erm...talking to my mate.At 4.30pm, I headed to Canada Creek, since the rain had stopped, and all the info boards said the last train was at 5pm. Little disappointed to learn the last train was at 4pm (I still haven't been able to visit the farm) and that the rain had started lashing down again.At 5pm, Thorpe Park too the decision to close.I waded through the 'puddle' in the Creek (it was one big puddle, so yeah) and headed back to OG. Then went to the pub for a pint before going home.A little disappointed that I never got a ticket to return. I used my dream ticket to get in, but why does that change anything?A few rides were struck by lightening, Stealth and Depth Charge were, as was the train track.Ride Count:Rumba - 3Loggers Leap - 3Depth Charge - 2Zodiac - 1Nemesis Inferno - 1Colossus - 1I had a surprisingly good day, I got to spend a lot of it with my girlfriend, which put me in a good mood I guess, but was embarrassed a lot by my sister and her mates. Particularly the racist one, who was rude to some staff members and some of my mates.I'd have liked to have gone on a few more rides...Rush, Vortex, Quantum, X, CCR and Samurai to name a few, but oh well. Rush had a 50 minute queue at one point, and was probably the busiest ride.