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Status Updates posted by Will

  1. LOL, I didn't know you were a sex offender....

  2. Awws you remember that

  3. Will

    Fred's right bish :D How's skool/college??

  4. Dara the explorer <3 u

  5. What's up loser? I wanna be where you are.

    Snap some photos

  6. Will

    Hello Kev, how you doing?

  7. Will

    Hey, how you doing?

  8. So you dont use msn anymore

  9. Come on msn Sheeps

  10. Hey dude, I sent you a message

  11. I found out that I could write songs. I have so many ideas and hooks, choruses and melodies in my head. I don't know how to play the piano, compose the notes for the music or sing properly.

    I want to learn and people can't fault me for wanting to better myself. In my head, I've some brilliant Pop songs that would do well but I keep my mouth shut for obvious reasons, until...

  12. I love music and I think that I have talents but I wouldn't dare tell people on here because there quite a few people on here...which you know that are cottage cheese tastes very niceing arseholes, that have written me off w/o giving me a chance.

    I've been singing since I was 6-7 and stopped when I was 13 coz I started to get badly bullied. I was diagonosed with Asperger's (mild autism) at 17.

  13. Do you have msn?

    Coz I don't want to talk openly on here

  14. I like you!

    You talk sense and actually know stuff about music.

  15. Will

    You can pretend Noob is JB and I can pretend your something out of Victoria's Secrets

  16. Well I actually thought you were one of the One Direction boys or something similar.

  17. I wish I drove, I'd come see you and bring bottles of alco. Michaela would have a lotta LOLs

  18. Will

    Don't tell him this, but I want him so bad

  19. Will

    Don't tell me this, but I want him so bad :P (j/k)

  20. Will

    I like Ricky, even more that he's gay

  21. Will

    Is Superman coming to Aero's Merlin & Funfair meetup?

  22. You're not making a big deal out of nothing coz people think they're "cool" by making people feel uncomfortable. Only nasty people with **** lives do things like that.

    As for the msn / facebook thing, I hate people who do stuff like that. I wouldn't mind if they would try and talk it thru like adults. I forget most of them are just immature kids, who dont know the...

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