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Everything posted by Phill

  1. Phill

    Alton Audio

    Sorry, that's not the Black Hole Lift music . That's the music in the background of the original Space Mountain advert. You can even hear the narrator poorly edited out. The Black Hole lift is called "Power Shaft", and was composed by the same guy who made the original Detonator soundtrack.
  2. Phill


    Where did you see these buttons you speak of?
  3. Phill


    It's a hybrid You can clearly see a speaker at the top . And no one taught me it! Just practice!
  4. Phill


    iBored.Yes, I remade the iPhone using vectors and gradients. Looks real, I think.
  5. Translation:Rush is still closed, this doesn't look guys! Not to sure myself why it's closed, anyone have any suggestions? What a pickle, laugh out loud. In future, try to proof read your posts. It's in the guidelines, which are now plastered everywhere.
  6. Phill


  7. Phill


    He is scary. He scared me away with his italian accent. And the fact that his bald head was shinning the sun in my eyes.
  8. Phill


    I just had a foot-long Sub of the day. That was hard work.
  9. Perfect for me to. I shall look into it never the less!
  10. Just loading the orange image is all. I'll work on making the files smaller to speed up loading. Next!Alex: Where?!
  11. They're purple like the logo. Nice orange on roll over. Contrast people!
  12. Ahh right, fair enough. Looks naff in the center, have tried, but I'll take another look.Anyone else got any other opinions/improvements?
  13. Not to sure I understand what you mean. Tested in FireFox 3, Safari, Opera, Ie 7 and Ie 6, all looks as it should. Should be seeing this.
  14. Disproportional? Looks fine here, what browser are you using?
  15. New Skin. We've added "Top Posting Tips" to the top, just to remind some of you of the guidelines we have. Guidelines are also now clearly linked a the top and open over the page, so no excuses. Enjoy.
  16. Phill


    You have full control of your data we keep, you may remove / edit your email, etc. We don't have to remove your account or administrate it.
  17. Phill


    We don't delete accounts. If you want to leave, simply leave, rather than trying to make a big fuss out of it. Ta.
  18. Phill


    If having basic respect and companionship for other members is communist, then I'm Stalin. If you're incapable of following the rules, you can leave. It's as simple as that.
  19. Phill


    Threats and insults is not banter. It's against the rules, that's what it is. This isn't a nursery, we shouldn't have to step into stop silly squabbles. We're all here because we share a common interest, theme parks. It doesn't take much to be nice, if there is someone you don't get along with, ignore them. Jesus.
  20. Phill


    Anymore hostile attitudes from anyone and you'll be banned. It ends now.
  21. Phill


    That's what she said.
  22. Oh shut up . It's a half transition. Rest will be done by tonight.
  23. http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/74Yummy
  24. Phill


    I just said Apple has an updater for iTunes.
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