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Posts posted by Sidders

  1. 2012)The new ride Confinement opens in the new season, you eneter through big black iron gates with gravestones around a few up turned and blood in places good theming, then you enter through a big archway where you make a right turn and imedeatly infront of you you find a dead body chained up aginst the wall and sinsister laughing sounds, then you make a left turn and carry on down a long corridor with fake torches and some satues and painting, an electronic devil statue reaches out at passers by and more sinisters laughing sounds can be heard, as you fianlly make a right turn you enter the station where on the opposite side of the station is a large size cross with a priest chained upon it, you get into the carrages themed as grails and you enter another room through drapping red curtains, where you see a cloaked figure beheading a preist and a boy crying in the corner who as you get closer quickly reveals a scary deformed face, you then pass through another drapping red curtian and this time you are in a room where the priest pray you can see the cloaked figure making a preist pray for his life then he beats him with a gold cross, the man then runs at you and you go through another drapping red curtian you find yourself in a room with lots of mumificated bodies with muffled speach dounds and wriggling movements you go through drapping red curtain and you are able to see outside as you are at the top of a tower with bars keeping you in, then as you finish

    Do you spend your free time planning out new rides like this and exactly where the public will go? Because it sounds like you've got it all thought out about what happens where, what happens when etc. :P

    the turn you go through another pair of drapping red curtians and straight away into a 50 foot drop where you just miss a few wodden beams and some spikes hanging from the ceiling, the man yells out at you for thinking you have escaped and then you find yourself hanging over the edge of a 20 foot drop with man standing at the bottom holding a axe you hang for ten seconds then continue, he swings as you drop but slips and falls into the holly water at the bottom you then go through a red drapping curtian and find a man standing with an axe all deformed laughing and screaming as he swings the axe again but this time a knife comes through from behind him and a preist covered in blood can be seen. The figures are all electronic a good ride with excellent theming, fits the thrilling chill theme well.

    Ummm.... Sounds like pretty complicated animatronics there. And where would this 70ft drop come from? Or do you go underground? And if so, how do you get back up without a lift?

    2016)Rumble River Rapids

    Rumba... :D

    you can see small volacnoe is popping out out of the ground and as you head right next to it a massive jet sends out even more water soaking you again and then you come to the lift hill.

    And then what?Try putting paragraphs in every now and then so your posts don't look so bulky and aren't so hard to read. :)
  2. I can only laugh at how as soon as the park opens, the Closed Ride topic (which has been dormant ever since the park shut it's doors for 2008), blooms 5+ pages within the first two days of official opening. :) Textbook Thorpe...

  3. March 13th - Plans for the SW6 have finally been accepted. Apparently, the rides layout has been slightly altered, and Alton had to fork out £50,000 to the Staffordshire Council to 'help traffic flow'. Also, they've promsied that if they find anything of archaeological value and/or interest, they will treat it suitably. This info came from Coasterforce and TowersTimes.

  4. I don't mind repeating myself when I say Thorpe should build a Flying Coaster OVER Manor Lake, next to Vortex, with a wide bridge that leads away from the Lost City to a small peninsula/island with the station and a few benches etc., and as soon as you board the coaster, you come out of the station to being over the water for a pre-lift section. Then the lift hill and the main ride are also completely over the water, with the supports built on the lake-bed. And possibly with some parts like Manta where you 'fly' very close to the water level.I realise this would probably make it Thorpe's most expensive coaster to date, but it would be a 'world's first' coaster, and with a good theme it could easily be marketed very well.And this way, the water-borne coaster with slender B&M track and supports keeps the lake intact and offers a major thrill without cramping the rides to close together on the mainland. Building the Fyler over water also cuts out the water relocation and land infill costs.

  5. Yeah, its was really fun! Lycra is my new best friend... :S Assembly was embarrassing, our class was the last in so everyone got a nice view of me in my skirt. :D

  6. LOL at that Cringle!Anyhoo, Comic Relief was really fun today. I went into school dressed as a hippie girl. Bright purple tights with fishnets, rainbow converses, starry lulu skirt, pink strappy top, fluorescent leg-warmers and a frilly bra.... Got some funny looks though. :S Girls and Teachers loved it, boys were creeped out... SO? :DAhhh, 'twas a good day

  7. If you are in a dark room with only a match for light. There is also a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp. You need to light the stove to make your dinner, and the gas lamp so you can read in your bed, and the candle because you've run out of electricity. So, what do you light first?

  8. Actually I'm in the same boat as Frankie on this one, I find it so annoying when trying to search for someone; I get about 5 pages worth of stupid usernames, no pictures, no avatars, no posts etc. Oh, well - what can ya do?

  9. Thorpe will more than likely upload a high quality POV video onto their website as they do with Nemesis Inferno and Colossus on the day of opening, so the official POV will be viewable before chavs and fanboy's and their 1.0MP phone cameras have a chance to whore up YouTube with their rubbish quality, shakey videos with captions like - 'ZOMG!!!!!!!!1111!!!1 NEW COASTER AT THORPE PARK PROPER MASSIVE!!! LOL' Oh, how annyoying.....

  10. Our computer user profiles get blocked if we download anything like Firefox, Safari, Google Earth, Sibelius (music scripting programme for those who don't know) etc. It's a load of b******s if you ask me becuase it restricts what we can do on each computer. So we have to go to the Music Room for Sibelius, because those are the only computers with it already downloaded, we have to go to the library for Google Earth (for the same reason as the Music Room computers), and as for predicaments with Safari and Firefox; all the computers are stuck with I.E.! :)

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