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Posts posted by Sidders

  1. OMG! My school is impossibly unorganised today. Half the teachers aren't in school and the ones that are are organising for the Year 11's to go home! We've been sat in a substitute Form Room for over an hour now and we've got the most annoying Supply Teacher blasting out hits from the 60's and giving us lectures on how the world 'used' to be. So I thought I'd come on here and moan. It's supposed to be a non-uniform day and no-one's allowed out-side, so all the pupils that are here have paid for the day and we're all going home after break (our idea)./////rant

  2. I knew that one, although I used a black rabbit when I told it. :)Anyway..... :PA man and a women have been happily married for 10 years... yet haven't seen each other for 5 years. They are in perfect health and neither are blind or deaf. They both live in the same town and have two kids aged 3 and 8 years.How is it possible that they haven't seen each other?

  3. I have too admit, this is the best video Thorpe have released so far! And it's nice to see that the Immelman exit has a very nice whip to it - should offer quite a bit of force. And the Air-Time Hill looks gorgeous! The car seems to sail over it just as it should be done, we can expect a lot of Air-Time on that beauty. :P

  4. Hold on in there Tommy - here comes an even cheesier song! :huh:Probably they're most iconic song: Dancing QueenYou can dance, you can jive, Having the time of your life. (oooh)See that girl, watch that scene,Diggin' the Dancing Queen.Friday night and the lights are low,Looking out for a place to go.Where they play the right music, getting in the swing,You've come in to look for a king.Anybody could be that guy,Night is young and the music's high.With a bit of rock music, everything is fine,You're in the mood for a dance.And when you get the chance...You are the Dancing Queen, Young and sweet, only seventeen.Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah!You can dance, you can jive, Having the time of your life. (oooh)See that girl, watch that scene,Diggin' the Dancing Queen.You're a teaser, you turn 'em on;Leave them burning and then you're gone.Looking out for another, anyone will do,You're in the mood for a danceAnd when you get the chance...You are the Dancing Queen, Young and sweet, only seventeen.Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah!You can dance, you can jive, Having the time of your life. (oooh)See that girl, watch that scene,Diggin' the Dancing Queen.Diggin' the Dancing Queen.^ It's got to be the best feel-good song there is. My opinion though. :huh:

  5. That was the main reason, but another lesser reason was that a part of the support structure for the loop had cracked a little, and so knowing that it was being removed, they didn't bother fixing it until it was demolished; the crack was found only a few months before it's closure.

  6. The Samurai re-theme is still pretty much up in the air atm. The last update giving views of it showed it lying in pieces around the main platform. There hasn't been any updates since then, so no-one knows if it's left of not (unless they've been to the park and seen it). Samurai isn't on the Thrill Chill list, but then again, it never is, so whether it's been taken off for some other reason other the SAW construction, we don't know as of yet.

  7. Somehow lyrics just aren't as scary as some musics, I.e. - SAW's official theme. I think it would work really well as the ride's music, because it builds tension like Colossus', and I can't see anyone saying that Colossus' theme isn't tension building. Hopefully with the contract the franchise will let Thorpe have the film's theme for the ride. :huh:

  8. Oh, usually lift hills are darker in comparison to the track on plans like this, due to cat-walks and chain mechanisms on lift. Oh well, we all make mistakes, thanks for clearing that up for me. :huh:P.S. - That lift hill looks very long...

  9. I'm guessing the train is winched up the dead-end part of track, and a piece of track switches position, like a railway does, so when the train is dropped, it will run onto the helix-looking thing and around the rest of the course. Don't know what that long straight part is for though.

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