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Posts posted by Sidders

  1. I'm not going to bother watching the POV Video - it will ruin the surprise, so thanks to all of you who posted a link rather than a YouTube window. But was there really any need to make this topic three pages bigger talking about a 2 minute report on BBC? Even so, think about how may people watch BBC News at 6 o'clock, Thorpe's Marketing Department have just scored a massive hole-in-one. Most people in England probably know about SAW now. :)

  2. Oh great: another small piece of info that leaked onto the net and will now start a 10 page debate on whether it was fair or not...Thorpe really have naffed up the Ride It First AND the early riding opertunities on the 12th.

  3. I'm one of the lucky ones - I always get a top swing whenever I go on Vortex :) But I've found that if you hold your breath before you swing fowards, you're less likely to black-out.

  4. Prolonged exposure to G-Force induced black-outs could cause internal bleeding of the brain and eyes [/gory] , but you'd have to be subdued to about 6-8G for that to happen, and no Flying Coaster ever exceeds 4G because of the body's position being more vulnerable when it's spread out.I'm sure that unless you manage to be 'blacked-out' constantly for a long period of time you're perfectly safe; you're probably just experiencing a mild/strong head-rush that most people seem to get if they're stationary for too long and then they start to move very abrubtly. You can get head-rushes from standing up too quickly, listening to really loud music through head-phones and leaning your head backwards and after a while swinging it back into it's original position too quickly. They basically mean that your head wasn't being supplied with a lot of oxygen because you didn't need it - you were stationary, and all-of-a-sudden your body's blood supply immediately wakes up and the 'rush' you get is your head being re-oxygenated.So basically, try and move about whilst going up the lift, talk to someone, think about what you're having for tea tonight; do anything that keeps your brain working because then the blood-supply will maintain itself and hopefully you won't black-out. :)[/smarty pants] :)

  5. Sorry if I didn't make my point clear enough Will, but as Mark said, Flyers can't do any outwards facing inversions (except Corkscrews) because of exertion forces crushing the riders chest and/or breaking the restraints. Hope that's clearer. :)

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