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Everything posted by Ellie
Reviving a really old account here to ask a question for a disabled friend. When requesting a Ride Access Pass via email, it sends you to a portal which includes selecting a ticket. Is the only way to get a Ride Access pass when using a 2 for 1 voucher to go via the ‘Island Access Hub’? Would be nice to avoid the hassle on the day with documentation. Thanks!
Thanks Han! Your support has been very helpful I mostly just went through my posts on here, copy and pasted them and changed everything to past tense! It came out as a pretty accurate representation of what I wanted to say. Phew! Haha
GREAT NEWS EVERYONE. I had my meeting with the accommodation team and they decided that I could move into this new room permanently and for FREE. No room move charge, as it should be! In return, I am writing a statement for them to use to confront the bully, which I'm nervous about. He'll know exactly what I feel and that makes me feel vulnerable. But, I guess we won't see any progress otherwise. I don't want him to get away with this. Just got to get moved in and settled now
GOOD NEWS. I walked into the lodge today and said 'I need to be moved immediately'. The woman doesn't deal with accommodation, had almost no authority but managed to move me into an empty room (from a list of 'in case of emergency' rooms. Phew!! I told her the basic story, how it escalated last night, and showed her the picture. She was very helpful! I have to go back in on monday and speak to the accommodation staff as this isn't permanent and I might get moved from this room into another room again! But I don't care about that. I can relax for the weekend now, knowing I don't have to worry about who's below me. Interesting Pluk, I don't really know where that would go. I'm gonna bring this up with some people higher up within university, hopefully get him on some kinda of watch list or just make them aware this has happened/is happening. Bullying can lead to expulsion and, although I don't WANT him to be expelled, I want him to know it's a possibility if he carries on.
Well, the main guy, the one that lives below me is actually from a different university. There are two unis on my campus. There's the sciencey one (mine) and the arts one (his), so don't worry guys, he won't be running our future. He's studying digital media. This whole experience makes me want to leave. It's ruined my experience. There's an event tonight and I don't want to go in case I see them. Just how long am I going to be scared of bumping into them at this small campus? I want to take a year out because of it. Come back next year at the same place I am now, at least then I'll have one less year with them. But my parents said no and I doubt the uni would let me do that just for bullies (rather than for an internship). Thanks for the support guys, I really don't feel like I can get support anywhere else at the moment.
Well, the next chapter of my story with the people I live above... All day he's been playing loud music, I had to play my own (not v. loud) to drown it out so I could have a nap earlier. Then this evening, the whole flat were in his room playing really loud music with the window wide open, while playing computer games and shouting REALLY loudly. As in, intentionally making a lot of noise (after him getting spoken to by the accommodation, I guess that annoyed him!). It wasn't my choice to get him spoken to by the staff, I just want to move flats, that's it! Anyway, so to keep track of everything that's going on and to make it more likely that I will be able to move for free, I reported them and I think security told them to turn it down. Well, I was sat in the kitchen for a while, trying to get some peace. Then, all of a sudden, I heard some of them leave the flat talking about 'retaliation', so I ran to my room and locked myself in. They can access this flat as one of their friends lives with me. I heard them in the kitchen earlier, when I tried to go make dinner. I locked myself back in my room and when I finally got into the kitchen, I find this... A threat. Lovely. Well, if they don't move me for free after this, I will take this to higher powers. This can't go on. It's psychological bullying and it's a horrible thing to be going through. I'm not a bad person.
Life doesn't suck! You just have to learn that simple things are beautiful and find which ones you enjoy. You're such a drama queen The woman dealing with my accommodation? No, she doesn't, seems like the go between for students and the department. I don't really get what her role is. She is nice though (and I'm pretty grouchy).
Ohh yes, he is an absolute idiot. Not much else to do but it ignore it. Glad to be shot of him now tbh, he was selfish and his mother seemed obsessed with our relationship. I think she always wanted a girl tbh and when I came along, all she would talk to me about was shopping and handbags (AND I HATE SHOPPING). She even bought me things (I'm not being ungrateful, I really appreciated what she bought me). Not expensive things, just little bits like makeup wipes for when I stayed over. That part was sweet, she said she thought of me when she saw it all. But it just shows I reckon she was itching to do that for a daughter. But it does get weird, she would plan dates for us to go out as a three. AND HOLIDAYS FOR 'THE THREE OF US' What the hell?! No!! If it was a family holiday and I was invited along it's different. But no, the whole family wasn't involved. Just us three. And she would tell him how to 'look after me' (when I like being independent!). All this talk about 'when you're older and married, you need to be driving Ellie around, you need to look after her'. NO THANKS. I like driving myself. I like my freedom. Things started changing when I didn't want to be around his house ALL the time. My mum reckons his mother was manipulating him to stay around his all the time. Ultimately, it wasn't a great situation. ANYWAY, that wasn't what I came back here for in the first place. About the noise ***** who lives below me: I asked to move again, this time time specifying an empty room within my flat. They said they were happy to move me but would charge me £40 for it!! Because I requested it. This is after I had explained how I feel intimidated by the boy below me, who plays his music really loud. And about the texts I have received from him. SO to try and avoid the charge I've had to give the go ahead for him to be taken in to the accommodation support team to get a gentle telling off. Then we have to wait and see if it changes and even then they might not waive the fee!! Ridiculous considering the effects this boy is having. If it was because I didn't like the view or because I wanted to live with friends, I get that. But this is essentially bullying. She called it 'threatening behaviour'. To be fair to the lady I spoke to, she was really nice and understood my situation, but it isn't her who makes the decision. It really isn't fair on me.
Has anyone else had to deal with bad/weird breakups? My ex and I broke up in July, his decision. I got over it but recently he's been checking up on me. He then made a dramatic post that he was still in love with his ex before me and how he regrets our relationship. Seriously?! None of it explains why he's been so persistent in checking up on me!! I think he just loves the drama and excuse to moan about how miserable he is. It's been bugging me and I can't really moan about it anywhere.
Yes!!! I love Kodaline! Really wanted to see them live this year but didn't get a chance, really gutted
To anyone who has an iPhone (and is not easily offended), try this: Ask Siri "Who is the female Siri?"
What great procrastination! Album of the year Kodaline- 'In a Perfect World' Song of the year Arctic Monkeys- 'Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?' or 'Do I Wanna Know?' The album came out just before I got to uni and it reminds of the start where it looked like we had a good group going. That was until people decided to create drama and stop talking and the group disintegrated. Nothing to do with me but it kinda split in the middle and the 'other side' made it hard to cross enemy lines. Music Video of the year Kodaline- 'High Hopes' Film of the year The Great Gatsby. I'm very good at immersing myself in a film but I totally lost myself in the amazing world of the Great Gatsby. TV Show of the year I don't watch much TV so you can excuse my choices... Made in Chelsea or Storage Hunters. But I watched the first 6 seasons (in about 2 weeks) of Dexter and loved it! Haven't gotten around to the last two yet as they aren't on Netflix, no spoilers! And finally watched all existing seasons of Heroes. Both awesome programs. Personal Moment of the year Getting the grades (that I never thought I could) to get into my first and only choice of University to study Zoology! And rock pooling in the first week of uni and finding loads of starfish, they're so frigging cool!!
I can dream Well, I've reported him today and it's been turned down a little since I called. Considering they're a 2 minute walk away, their response time is about 30 mins, by which time they never hear it at its worst. The sex noises thing isn't an option, the sound proofing is pretty decent, you can't really ever hear much (normally) apart from shouting/screaming and doors slamming. But other than those plus his music, it would be pretty quiet.
Yea, think I'm going to ask them today about moving and will have to see what they say. I might be able to switch rooms within my flat, with my friend leaving. I just don't want to alienate myself by 'telling on' him about the text. I feel kinda stuck
Yea, the problem is that because I spent the term trying to sort it out with him directly, but I just want to be out NOW rather than after another term of recording when it affects me. And I don't intend on texting him again after this text. I feel really uncomfortable and intimidated knowing that I'm just above him and two of my flatmates are friends with him.
Haha thanks guys! It's tempting. I think one day I did try and play Justin Bieber but that didn't work. I have a Bose soundlink bluetooth speaker, nothing mega powerful. Rammstein is a good idea. Blast it for like 10 mins at 5am, enough to wake him up but not enough to get checked by security?! Haha It's just so stressful, I feel like I'm ill/exhausted from the stress of it.
I'm currently at uni living in halls and the guy below me regularly plays his bass-y music so loud that I can hear it through the floor. It's very distracting and I can never get work done because of it. Now, to put this into perspective, the rest of my flat can't hear ANYTHING from the rooms below (sound proofing is pretty decent here) and the accommodation agreement states: 'No student shall cause a noise audible from outside their room or flat'. He's friends with two of my flatmates and a while ago (after him getting in trouble with security for me reporting him), he ended up telling them to give me his number so I could ask him to turn it down. He seemed all nicey nice at first and so would text him whenever it bothered me. At the start of the week I text him which resulted in him shouting about how it wasn't that loud, slamming the window and then turning it up in spite for about 5 minutes. After that I was reluctant to text him again until today when I've been desperately trying to do work. He has never really replied to my texts. But this evening, several hours after me texting him, I receive this taunting message: I'm so fed up and stressed and he's clearly not going to change. At first he said 'I just like my music loud and my headphones broke', so I hoped that this was a temporary thing until he got some new headphones but he never did. This stresses me out every day and, despite their own rules about noise, the accommodation staff say there's not too much they can do before 11pm, which is a load of rubbish! I'm to the point of considering moving out of this flat. Not that it hasn't crossed my mind to leave altogether, I feel far more mature than 80% of the people here and I'm taking my time finding where I fit in. People can be so mean.
I reckon you're right about it not being lucid dreaming. I'm no expert although I would say you'd have to be in a dream world for it to be lucid dreaming. If you can't act things out, if you can't visualise anything, it's not a dream at all. This is why I was so confused in sleep paralysis. I was thinking but my thoughts were hazy, as you would expect in a dream. But I couldn't see anything, I couldn't picture anything. It felt like I was looking into the back of my eyelids and I tried to open my mouth but it felt like my mouth had been glued shut. And the whole 'are you really asleep' question is a good one. If I'm not mistaken, it is possible to monitor when people are awake and asleep and monitor as you cycle between deep sleep and REM sleep (where most dreaming occurs) and so yes, in some ways I think it would be possible to tell if someone was sleeping while lucid dreaming. For training, it's suggested to perform checks multiple times a day to see if you're awake. Sounds mental but it works for some people. The checks should be trying to do things you wouldn't normally be able to do like trying to push your hand through a wall while really willing to and asking yourself if you are dreaming. In theory, you will begin to do these checks in your sleep once they becomes natural and only in a dream would it be possible to let your hand fall through the wall. There are other methods as well, if you're interested, look into FILD and WILD lucid dreaming methods. I've mostly been lucid through WILD, although I have just snapped into it before by noticing the physics or other things weren't quite right.
Lucid dreaming is where you become aware that you're dreaming. There are different levels to lucid dreaming, with the highest level being able to control your dream and decide what to do/where to go. While I have controlled my dreams before, it takes training to be able to just question if you're dreaming and snap into lucid dreaming. Sleep paralysis is named so because sometimes the chemicals released in the body when sleeping, that keep you from acting out dreams (so you don't walk around in bed), are still being released while your mind is waking up. You physically cannot move and often feel a big pressure on your chest as you're not breathing deeply. As you're sort of stuck between being awake and dreaming, it isn't unusual to hallucinate while looking around your room (without moving your head), some people say they see demons sitting on their chest (and I think this was originally what sleep paralysis was thought to be, a demon sitting on you). There are other types of sleep paralysis though. The sleep paralysis I have had has been me being confused as to whether I was asleep or dreaming, trying to wake up but not being able to open my eyes and mouth and having seizure like shakes. A very uncomfortable and scary experience. Dreams are actually to do with clarification of information you learn that day and forming long term memories, so it's quite normal to experience things that relate directly or indirectly to your day. Although, it is also said that dreams are due to random chemical firings in the brain when new synapses are being connected (also to do with storing memories).
It's open to interpretation. Have a google! I often do that I've always been very interested in dreams. When I dream they're usually very vivid. I've had sleep paralysis, I've been stuck in dreams, I've done some lucid dreaming. I know I'm capable of it so I'm starting to try and induce lucid dreaming but it requires training. It's all very interesting. I'm also interested in the idea of astral projection although I think it's highly unlikely. You kinda have to be spiritual... astral projection is about your soul leaving your body and visiting other parts of the world. Exploring the world (typically places you have never been, that you have no memories of) and experiencing them as if you were physically there. To me it sounds like another form of lucid dreaming. I have experienced the shaking, seizure type movements which are often associated with astral projection but in these instances I have either been woken up or become stuck in sleep paralysis. The whole area is just so interesting to me and the more work I have, the more I procrastinate and look into it!!! Oops.
My first thoughts from reading that were that it sounds as if he was sat up on the back rests. Just from where it says about him falling backwards when the boats jolted. I'll be interested to hear if they confirm/release a sequence events. Doubt it though, not on their Facebook page at least. Just out of respect for the family if anything.