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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. My school was all girls in the rough part of Reading. 50% black, 40% asian, 10% white.There was this one group of bullies that haunted the school, horrible people. It was more talk than do though I was hit by one of them once?Most violence I remember is when I was in around year 9, these two black girls were fighting, and one ripped the others weave (fake hair stitched to the natural hair) out and some other girl picked up shouting 'I GOT HER HAIR'.Hilarious.
  2. Ellie


  3. Ellie


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK5JD_zGi8ULove Katy Perry like this, so chilled. She should record these kinds of songs in this style, they dont all need to be upbeat. In love with this performance and prefer it to the actual record on the album!
  4. Ellie


    Yesterday was my last day at my first job as I handed in my resignation letter two weeks ago. After eleven months I am now free to paint my nails and dye my hair any colour I want. Hoorah
  5. Whenever he looks around like that he always looks sad for some reason, he's a cutie pie.Your avatar freaks me out!! 2/10
  6. 'No real than you are' is grammatically incorrect and so I slightly disapprove. It should be 'No more real than you are'.6.5/10(partially because my seven button doesnt work...
  7. Ellie


    Fight to the death!Or tell them to pick a number each, (1,2 or 3) and then pick a number! Sorted.
  8. The problem being I only enjoy specific parts of the biology course, I'm not interested in plants and would not enjoy it.And most standard biology courses are highly lab based which I'm not as much interested in. It's more for research techniques and data gathering/analysis rather than just studying a broad range of biological topics.
  9. Trying to figure out what career path to take and getting nowhere!! I'm so determined to do well but doing what I don't know!I'm so fussy but I have to really enjoy it AND I want it to pay well AND I want a decent chance of getting a job. Hmph. I also want to go to university. Thought of several different things and many people who know me say that they see me best as a Veterinary Surgeon, second best a Paramedic and I've looked at both. It's so competitive for both though I'd be worried of not getting a job. And paramedics don't get paid well and aren't funded by the NHS and the course is so specific that it'd barely help if I changed my mind about being a paramedic a few years later.I've run out of time to apply this year, I knew I wasn't going to know by this time but I've been looking for years and keep finding things but not being completely set on them.I've also looked at broad courses like Biology but these tend to lead onto more basic jobs like lab staff or a teacher. Or a joint honours but not sure what in? Biology and... something? Maybe? It's really stressing me out and nobody seems to understand how difficult I'm finding it. They just say 'keep looking' or 'you'll find it'. I've been looking for ages and still haven't. I have til July to be set on something. Time is ticking and I'm getting more and more worried. I don't want to put off going to uni much longer, I'm already most likely going to be doing a third year at college.
  10. Ellie

    Video Games.

    I play games on my mac. It didn't bother me til I couldn't download the Battlefield 3 beta. Want. :(
  11. Ellie


    LOL epic. Gross but still epic
  12. Went on good ol' Detty today and had an interactive operator who loved his tannoy. He made us do the mexican wave by waving our feet and tapping the person to our right, said he wouldnt let us down til we did it. It went well til right at the end when someone refused to and we were up for about thirty seconds. Looved it and gave praise at guest services. Loove interaction. Good job lad.
  13. Makes it seem like you're saying Fred's post is needless. Just sayin'
  14. Ellie


    Someone walked past me at college today and said my name. They didnt turn round or make eye contact and I have no clue who they were. My first thought was it was someone from here SO, anyone?
  15. Ellie


    Still loving thishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptwBoeBv5cQ
  16. If you're the one on the right, you remind me loads of Toddly from youtube!! Though he has a chubby face :Phttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjSpOEzP3_0
  17. Ellie


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO30b_SxLzEHeard this on a Gears of War advert and remembered how much I loved it.
  18. 1. Just because their surname is on the back wall doesn't mean it has anything to do with them. How about movie premiers and celebrities who aren't in the film? Or Sports interviews with brands in the background?2. The only reason I've heard of one of them is because she has a sex tape. I wouldn't know (or care) who the hell they were.
  19. Try to make an agreement with them that if you get yourself a cheapish little car, would they pay the insurance for you on that rather than on a car that you cant drive? It'd be practical and its yoours to keep then
  20. Ellie

    Youtube Videos

    Anyone here a PhillyD (sxephill) fan??
  21. Yeaa I loved Sharkbait Reef. Though I'm a sucker for aquariums anyway but I had to be dragged out of Sharkbait Reef, literally.
  22. Ellie


    This is on my phone and ipod.
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