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About TRGeorge

  • Birthday 04/18/1993

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  • Favourite ride
    Sami and Stealth
  • Favourite Theme Park

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  • Location
    Hatch End

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  1. Build it underground as part of the volcano - that would work really well next to NI - it could be a large crater.Expensive, I know - but a really good idea imoSteam/Mist machines too...
  2. I agree with Gareth - a launch tower would IN MY OPINION be better than Detty. I always hate creeping up the tower!
  3. You're right - they HAVE sped it up - no lagging no more!
  4. Owww, its still not working for me
  5. LOLWhat do you think's really happening on the site?
  6. http://www.sawtheride.com/Is it just my computer or is this website not working anymore. (Maybe they're uploading that long awaited video!)(Don't kill me for saying that though)
  7. TRGeorge


    WOW! thats awsome!Its probs gonna be a robo-coaster imo. the switch backs are very interesting and I'm loving the indoor section.Wonder what theme its gonna have?
  8. Well , now the its dark, lets talk some more...
  9. Is it any different or does it just feel edgier?
  10. I certainly do as it was originally my idea
  11. Why not? You must state the reason for your answer otherwise it it meaningless
  12. Well, if he doesnt, then it just shows pure favouritism, doesnt it?By the way when I said"That video wasnt really worth the wait tbh, I was expecting something that gave away a bit more about the SAW storyline, but hey, lets wait for the january one now.I bet the video for jan or feb will announce the 'ride it first' (deciples of jigsaw) winners"I HAD seen that spammy video, I was just being really sarcastic!
  13. That video wasnt really worth the wait tbh, I was expecting something that gave away a bit more about the SAW storyline, but hey, lets wait for the january one now.I bet the video for jan or feb will announce the 'ride it first' (deciples of jigsaw) winners
  14. Rage, judging from videos, lasts like 20 seconds!I do hope they dont do the shuddering effect; it hurts. Perhaps, however, they'll slow us down or even stop us on that perculiar brake run. Commence a JIGSAW video, etc?
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