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  1. fatmazza


    I'm hoping for something quite new and different, not really seen in any park before. When you think of the other secret weapons they were all the first of the their kind and brought something new to the industry, SW3- first inverted looping coaster, SW4- first vertcal drop coaster, SW5- first flying coaster. At the time these coasters were revoloutinary so lets hope the same can be said about SW6.
  2. Big negative about being Scottish - Miles away from any good theme parkBig plus about being Scottish - We have different holidays so can visit Thorpe Park when its got tiny queues!
  3. fatmazza


    I personally think its the scariest ride in the park. Being suspended upside down way above the ground gives me quite a rush, not really of adrenaline, more of fear. Love it, probably my 3rd favouirte ride at the park.
  4. I feel Alton will be number 1 for a while yet, but Thorpe Park will become a much closer competitor. Plus Alton havn't had something massive and new in aaaaages for thrill seekers, starting to put long-time thrill seekers off Alton and towards Thorpe.
  5. hey, welcome to TPM

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