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Everything posted by TimR

  1. TimR

    This Or That

    Marble,T-shirt or Polo Shirt?
  2. TimR


    Yeah that was there FN 2007 and FN 2005.
  3. TimR

    Bad Injuries!

    Thanks, its actually the first major injury from playing rugby, other than the used cuts and bruises.
  4. TimR


    Yep, when you stopped mist used to come down from above, next time you go on, when you stop look up, you may still be able to see the little pipes that sprayed it.
  5. TimR

    Bad Injuries!

    I have either pulled a muscle or bruised my shoulder blade playing rugby yesterday...
  6. TimR

    This Or That

    Circle,Smooth or Jagged?
  7. TimR


    I think I remember seeing them back in 2005 when they had that mist on ride.
  8. I'm sure they will be giving 110% at Fright Nights, the queues will be big enough as it is.
  9. Mabye they should have a black cloak or curtain you have to walk through, to keep it dark.
  10. TimR

    This Or That

    French,Friends or How I Met Your Mother?
  11. TimR


    Its not banned at my school in fact we can get on to Redtube at school...
  12. That takes away the excitement.
  13. TimR

    This Or That

    Call a professional,Music or Drama?
  14. TimR

    This Or That

    Electrical,Friends or Boyfriends/Girlfriends?
  15. Ouch, double Spanish doesn't look so bad now...
  16. I think we can be sure that SAW - The Ride comes Alive! is just actors in the queue...
  17. I had double Spanish today...
  18. TimR

    This Or That

    Kayaking,Waterskiing or Jet Skiing?
  19. TimR

    This Or That

    Hard,Coats or Jackets?
  20. TimR

    This Or That

    Music, DVD or Video?
  21. TimR

    This Or That

    Panasonic,In or Out?
  22. TimR

    This Or That

    Good choice ,1,X or Y?
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