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Everything posted by Gemma
I hate it when the people who you're closest to and you think you can trust the most turn round and make you feel utterly sh*ite about yourself. Sorry that I can't be really skinny and tall and gorgeous and funny and someone who everybody loves.
Big Brother- I know let's chuck a load of stupid people into one house and make them do stupid tasks and let them win £100,000 at the end of it.
The Inbetweeners Series 3 starts again Monday!
I hate it when girls go 'I'm so ugly' yet they post their photos all over Facebook. And also when someone compliments their photos they go 'oh no I'm so fat and ugly and that's the only nice photo I have'. If your self esteem was that low then you wouldn't put them up for your 200 + friends to see. It's just needless attention seeking.
Someone could just as easily point out your punctuation error.
Exactly, me and my sister were discussing this yesterday and maybe the exam content has gotten a little bit easier but I think that's only so they can be made accesible (I don't even care how you spell it) to everyone so everyone is able to get at least something.
Well done you brainy buggers!I'm so happy right now, I saw my Maths and Physics results and I was so amazed that I'd passed. I got...German- ABiology- AChemistry- BPhysics- B Leisure and Tourism- BMaths- B ( I nearly cried I was so pleased!)RE- ACitizenship- A*English- AEnglish Lit- AGeography- C I suppose this is the one I'm least pleased with in as my target as an A and I thought the two exams had both gone well. ICT- Distinction
It's only just started to truly kick in that it's tomorrow. I know people downplay the importance of GCSEs and yes I'll agree A Levels are more important but I still want to do as well as I can no matter what the academic level is.
Well done, those are really good results! (:What subjects do you take?
Thanks Josh (: are you getting any results soon? If so good luck as well!Also I always thought we were due to get them on a Tuesday?
My sister got her A Level results today and she got an E/pass in her Business B-tech which she hated but just managed to pass, two Cs in pschyology and sociology and a B in her AS English Lit which is enough to get her into Uni! I'm so proud of her :') even though it wasn't my results I was still so nervous this morning!I get my GCSE results on Tuesday and I am pretty nervous to be honest. :/ I just want to get them over with and start A Levels, which sounds insane!
Good luck to anyone who's getting A Level results tomorrow. =] TOMASZ SCHAFERNAKER (L) I've had a proper huge crush on him for ages. xD
Computer- Dell Dimension 5150Phone- Sony Ericsson K800i- I actually hate it. :| hopefully in September I'm going to buy myself a new phoneCamera- Olympus x43Consoles- 2 PS2s, one is the old bulky one and the other one is the 'newer' slim one. Oh and I also have a Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP lurking around my room somewhere.Other- 16GB iPod touch.
Fair enough.I guess I'm just a person who's wound up easily and likes to complain and sometimes I just like to vent here.
Yeah Happy Birthday guys. (:Hope you had a good one.
Well I'm sorry if I've upset some of you here with my postings. :/The reason I don't post in the theme park bit is because I haven't been to a theme park in AGES due to living ages away from them. The next time I go to one I'll be sure to post in the appropriate section. (:
Oh lord, me and my Dad just spent the last 10 minutes trying to work out the graduation on our new scales and then we realised it was written in rather large letters right in the middle of them. xDAnd my Dad can't even accomplish a simple task like opening a Tesco's plastic bag. Bless him.
It's so annoying isn't it! The friend who brought it up realised how annoyed I was with her and she went 'Oh I meant he probably fancies you, not you fancying him.' But that's not the point, I've been made to feel before I can't even talk to my guy friends without fancying them before. I think she's slightly jealous because at school and outside she barely has any male friends and throughout high school I've hung out with mainly my male friends and there's been about 5 girls in the group to about 12 boys.
I hate it when people assume just because someone of the opposite sex comments on a few of your statuses and posts on Facebook then you must fancy them, because teenagers can't be friends without wanting to do each other. :|
We have an apple tree in our garden and a load of apples have fallen off and are starting to rot on the floor. My Mum decides it would be nice to give me the job of picking them all up. Well I have no problem with helping my Mum out of course but urgh I have a very strong stomach and it's left me wanting to vomit. There's a slug hanging out of one of them and there's countless worm/insect holes on them. And then there's the occasional ones where they leak this really thick substance. Ewww. I managed 5 today. xD
This is madness!Madness? THIS IS SPARTAAAAA.
I get tired and upset and I'm trying to care a little less.
Some girl who added me on Facebook has been had by the police for shoplifting in Primark, which is stupid because most things in there are only a few quid anyway. xD I kid you not one of her many stauses about the issue is 'LOL at that bitch who got me done. Aha!'. She seems to think it's some joke, being arrested for shoplifting. Well I'll be laughing my bum off when you can't get a job because you have a criminal record. =]
I'm 5"1 and people always go to me 'Awwwwh oh my god you're so short!' It really annoys me sometimes and I'm like I know I'm short! I've been very short all of my life, it's not like I woke up one morning in my teens and thought, oh jesus I'm short! When did this happen?