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Everything posted by Gemma

  1. Gemma


    Is that.... is that a sweater vest? (;I'm also loving that hair cut, mind you I can't say much, I found a photo of me when I'm about six with a terrible fringe and full on pigtails. My Mum keeps it in her purse. FML.
  2. Gemma


    Doing some Maths revision and I'm doing some really simple stuff like converting a percentage to a fraction. I literally couldn't work out was 50% was as a fraction. I was like what is it? Then it dawned on me... this doesn't bode well for tomorrow :|
  3. Gemma


    Stupid magpies waking me up at 5:45 this morning. Stupid whiny children waking me up at 8:30 :|
  4. Gemma


    Well that's according to Wikipedia so I'm not sure, but I think it is releatively soon. Ahhhhh Chris O'Dowd <3 I love this man :')
  5. Gemma


    And he literally lives in the same area I do! Score.OMMMMMMG THE IT CROWD SERIES 4 IS RETURNING THIS JUNE! Words cannot describe the excitement. =]
  6. Gemma


    Have you heard Crush? Oh my god it's beautiful <3 it is also addictive. (L)
  7. Gemma


    I actually cannot stop listening to Pendulum- Watercolour. It's so addictive. (L)
  8. I hate people that moan about having to do school work in their own time; if you actually did it when you were supposed to then you wouldn't be stuck doing it now would you? What you said wasn't harsh, it was the truth. Also I'm sorry to hear about your Nan. Hope she feels better soon (:
  9. Gemma


    We did all the shirt signing stuff after our Lit exam and we had a leavers assembly which made everyone really sad and then we had our school anthem played and all the girls just started crying their eyes out, me included! It so wasn't a good decision to wear mascara and eyeliner today x). It's really only hit me today how these people have become my best friends over the last 5 years and I've seen them everyday and a few of them are going to college and it's going to be weird not seeing them everyday.
  10. Gemma


    It's my last official day of Year 11 tomorrow and I'm actually not looking that forward to it tbh. I really haven't enjoyed Year 11 too much but now it's coming to an end I'm really going to miss it. At the start of Year 10 this time seemed so far away but it's suddenly all become real now x(. I'm still coming back for Sxith Form next year but to think tomorrow is going to be the last time I see all my friends together before a few go off to college is really sad! I'm especially going to miss one of my friends called Jodie as we've become close over the last year. Ahhh I think I'm going to shed some tears tomorrow.And I have a god damn English Literature exam tomorrow. 2.5 hours. Bahhh (N)
  11. Gemma


    Started my first Sunday shift today. I'm bloody shattered x(
  12. Gemma


    Lmao! Awwwh xDOne evening I was packing my bag for school and my Dad asked me something and I think I answered him funnily and he ran downstairs and went to my Mum 'Is she on her blob or something?' and then my Mum goes 'Yes she is actually'. I just stood there mortified like :| thanks Mum.Oh god Durex adverts x) I would probably end up laughing my ass off!
  13. Gemma


    Oh my god I was watching Scrubs earlier with my Dad when the adverts came on and they showed the Tampax Pearl advert. We literally sat there like :| it was one of the most akward moments of my life.It still doesn't beat the akwardness of watching TV with my parents one evening and watching a Vagisil advert with them. We literally couldn't look at each other for hours after.
  14. Just read the funniest thing ever on this girl in my year group's Facebook status 'A-Levels at Filton, then medical school then being a doctor. gonna be hard.' I'm sorry but the girl is an actual idiot, she very rarely turns up at school and when she does she doesn't bother to do any work at all and just sits around being a pain in the bum with all her other orange faced slaggy pals. If you can't be bothered to turn up for school for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, then how are you going to go to medical school for like eight years? It really does irritate me but at the same time provides me with the LOLs at how she thinks she will be succesful. If you sit around getting p*ssed every Friday night in the local kids park then you're more likely to end up in A&E being treated rather than working there. And her even oranger faced chum wants to be a midwifde and she doesn't even know what a degree is. Facepalm.If I end up going to nursing school with idiots like this I won't be happy :|
  15. Argggh I swear the New Look website actually hates me! I got a discount voucher from my friend and now I'm trying to spend it online and it keeps buggering up, taking items out of my bag and then putting them back in > and not loading at all or very very slowllllly.
  16. Gemma


    I've been offered my friend's shift on Sundays at the vets now, but it's from 10-4 with a lunch break inbetween. I might tell them I'd be happy to start Sundays as well as Mondays after my exams are over and also if I could do Sundays where I'd work every over Sunday, cos Sunday is when I get all my work done ^.^
  17. ;D He's in year 8 and his voice is already breaking. Hilarious stuff.Also one thing that irritates me about the Lib Dems is them reckoning they could abolish uni fees in what, 6 years? Am I the only one wandering where the money would come from? I imagine they'd have to take some money from other departments so to speak like healthcare or something, because you can't run a university for free. :/
  18. Haaaaa you guys are so funny (;It actually went very well. You could say my oral skills are quite good. But I'm not a dirty minx so
  19. I have my German Oral tomorrow at 12:20pm. It's safe to say I'm getting no sleep tonight and I'm so nervous it isn't even funny. All this worrying over a 12 minute exam :|But I have an A overall on my Coursework so I'm happy with that.
  20. Urgh damn politicians, I personally think the majority are a waste of space. 'Out to help the public' my ass, bunch of greedy, immature snobs! It makes you wonder how stupid some people must be to vote these people into power!What makes it worse is his children go to my school and his youngest who's about 12 hangs around with us due to his general lack of friends his own age.
  21. Ugh we have a new Conservative MP for our constituency and he's such a moron, he's hit his kids and gone to hit his wife before. This should be a barrell of laughs :| he has the nerves to say in his campaign he 'loves his family'. Total BS.
  22. Urgh be prepared for a whiny, girly rant. I pretty much have found zero prom dresses that I like or will actually fit me without making me look fat. Because of this I'm feeling at an all time low about the way I look and I feel small fat and chubby.My friend took some photos at her birthday meal we went to and I was looking at them on Facebook and I'm suprised at how hideous I looked. That was fuelled on further today when my friend in Year 13 offered me her gorgeous Year 11 prom dress and I was thinking yeah, here's a dress I'll actually love and she'll give it to me for £75 but no, she has to be a lovely size 8 so my saggy size 12 won't fit into it and the way my Mum said it to me actually really hurt my feelings. I've actually considered asking the school for a full refund of my prom money and just not going because I feel so crap.
  23. Gemma


    Mine is on Tuesday 11th of May. It's safe to say I'm pooping a brick!
  24. Gemma


    It also looks awesome on your CV when you do voluntary work. I'm so jealous you get to do that >.< there's a couple of cat re-homing centres in Bristol but they're too far away for me to go on a regular basis. (N)
  25. My heart goes out to you sweetie, it really does =( some people are utter arsewipes and should totally not be bothered with. You are quite obviously 200% better than these people will ever be and you are the much better person. You're actually going to amount to something in life when they'll be stuck behind the counter in Maccie D's going 'Do you want fries with that?'. I know it must be really hard for you at the moment but just keep your chin up chicken and ignore their vile and juvenile comments. I also agree about going to the police about death threats, it's just makes me feel sick people can say that stuff. I wish you the best of luck (:
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