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Everything posted by Gemma

  1. This is incredibly late, but Happy Birthday! :D

  2. Gemma


    ...................OUTRAGE! Ugggggggh we've had snow in Bristol- but it's been bloomin' sunny and not cloudy! Why couldn't this of happened when we had that crappy weather 3 weeks ago? If it doesn't snow on my birthday, I will be one sad panda
  3. Gemma


    Today was our last day, it was so awesome between taking pictures of our last Xmas all together at school and watching Russell Howard's Good News in science, watching our school's talent show and just being so freaking happy and excited for Christmas. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas and a great New Year =]
  4. Gemma


    I had my second HPV vaccine today, it hurt so badly. I thought I was gonna scream when she injected it, and I usually have no problem at all with needles- I actually enjoy it xD and no I'm not a freak (;So then the woman said something rather worrying 'Oh dear, I've drawn a bit of blood' which left me like :| and it's stained the plaster. An injection hasn't hurt me this badly since my booster jabs last year. Sad times. But at the end of the day it's helping to protect me from getting cancer, so I'm willing to put up with a little bit of a sore arm for a few days.
  5. I got my English Paper 2 Mock results back today- I got an A!! I was so happy, I thought I did awful in it x) I get my Mock Lit results back soon and I know I did terrible in that one. But hey, I'm happy with the two A's I've gotten in Mock papers so far, just hope I can replicate it in the real thing!EDIT: I got my RE mock results today- I got a D xD major fail. But I got an A in Citizenship, which I'm bloody happy with.
  6. Good god I feel for you! Thank god my mocks are over now. Maths was a total fail- I got 48/120 marks xD but if you add all my over scores together with my mock grade than I'm on a B- which I am sooo happy with. Have you done your French speaking yet? That is hell on earth, I completely botched my German speaking exam up. But I got an A on my reading paper and I think an A on my listening paper, so if I did rubbish than I've got those to fall back on
  7. I have definitly failed my German Mock Speaking Exam. Got into the room, the recording started and I was like :| my nerves yet again have gotten the better of me. At least I got a C in one of my georgraphy papers, which I'm so happy with as I did NONE of the Case Studies. And I got an A in my first English Language exam- which seriously made my day as I thought I'd failed.
  8. Gemma


    xD everything sounds better with a Welsh accent! And I live in Bristol where there is a serious lack of proper Welsh accents, apart from my RE teacher who I could actually listen to forever :L that's how I love the Welsh accent! ;D
  9. Gemma


    I think everyone should have a Welsh accent, because quite frankly, it is the best accent in the world. I seriously would love to marry a Welsh man *sigh*
  10. Gemma


    Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough tastes so damn good when it's melted <3Major nom nom noms.
  11. *shakes fist* it's not even December 1st for another 2 hours!! :)Ours will go up on the weekend, along with all our other chrimbo decorations =D
  12. I'm doing my Great Expectations essay for English Lit and I've done 1674 words, 13 paragraphs and have covered everything and now I'm suffering from a writing block which has thwarted my plans of writing an awesome conclusion. I'm actually going to scream if I cannot think of anything to write. And it shouldn't be difficult, as I've just got to sum up everything I've said but it's so damn difficult. *pulls out hair* ARRRRRRRRRGH!!!I've fallen at the last bloody hurdle. BAD TIMES.
  13. Gemma


    I've just found out I have the same birthday as Leigh Halfpenny (beautiful welsh rugby player) and he's only 5 years older than me! And he's also studying at Cardiff Uni as a dental student (which is awesome as I want to be a children or mental health nurse). It was meant to be!! (;Oh happy days.
  14. Gemma


    Surely I can't be the only one who thinks Rhydian Roberts looks like La Roux?
  15. I know I know, I can't help it :LYou just wanna give him a big hug.
  16. Lmao :L it's true though! I feel quite dirty for fancying them actually. They're old enough to be my Dad!So wrong yet somehow right?I'll shut up now ;D
  17. Apparently according to Heat magazine I should feel weird after fancying- Rupert Grint, Russell Howard, James May, Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond. Yeah that last 3 might be in their 40s, but I don't give a crap :L*runs away*
  18. I'm quite confused as to how Russell Howard is considered a weird crush by heat magazine. How the hell did Derren Brown manage to win that contest? Ergh it shoulda gone to one of the Top Gear guys!
  19. Haha thank you <_<Well, I don't think it went great ¬.¬ Biology was alright, Chemistry was so hard for me and Physics wasn't too bad, I actually had some idea of what was going on :L but saying that I've probably done terrible xDAnd my mocks start in about 11 days. There's no escaping from these exams!But on the plus side, I got told today that my Citizenship coursework has to be in tomorrow even though that's not really fair because I wasn't in to finish it and hand it in ^o), I've just managed to do an hour and half's solid work of typing up from scratch an essay comparing magazine articles on cloning. 3 pages and 1700 words later it's finally done! Saying that it's going to get a rubbish grade (N)
  20. Gemma


    Did you shrink that man gypsys?
  21. Same here, I just forgot everything about meiosis, I wrote two sentences and hoped for the best :LI really do love the multiple choice ones xD but on my Physics ones I've gotten a D and a C for last years exams (A) So I'm not hoping for much more this year. I'm completely fine with Biology and Chemistry, but something with Physics just doesn't click with me. Good luck for tomorrow (Y)
  22. Gemma


    Top Gear has returned, making me a very happy girl (:
  23. Yes! And I utterly, utterly failed them. I think I did alright in Biology but in Chemistry and Physics I opened it up and had NO clue. When will the exam board understand that I could not give a crap about Theoretical Velocity? I just sat there like :| kill me now. Oh fun and joy, more exams for me to fail on Wednesday. How did your exams go?
  24. Arrrrgh this week I have SIX science exams to do and tbh I really don't feel like doing them. I feel like utter crap and tomorrow I've got to go in feeling horrible and do an hour and halve's worth of exams. And then I can't even relax and begin to feel better as on Wednesday I have 3 more science exams to do. My immune system really needs a good beating up. And my Dad is a total a-hole. And he wonders why the majority of the time my Mum, me and my sister hate him.
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