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Everything posted by Ben1990

  1. Made yet another one, this time Fright Night-orientated. lol.
  2. Really? Its showing in the quote lol. Sorry for repeating it anyone else,Anyway:
  3. Had another go. Bit of a bodge-job
  4. They should have put infra-red cameras (to film dark section), with sound on half the cars, and left the others without. Then people could queue for the camera-cars; as people probably know if they want to pay £12 for the dvd before they ride.
  5. I couldn't find the logos topic but this is the nearest thing otherwise.Got bored, and made this lol. Any thoughts?
  6. I always use the bus to get from the station to the park, and I agree it is ridiculous to charge £3 for what it is. Also, you have to try and not lose the tiny receipt, to get on the bus back; harder than it sounds when your there all day.And stupid as it might sound, does the bus from the station operate 7 days a week? I'm going on Monday and I've only ever been on it at weekends.
  7. If your there that early, then yes. Go straight for SAW, and you'll probably manage a few other short queues after that. Queues today wouldn't have been as bad as the weekend, but all the schools are still off; so during the peak times of the day, queue times may well be past 2 hours, and on SAW especially you could expect more.
  8. 2003:2005:2008:Two new islands behind stealth, as well as a connecting ridge; all infilled since 2005, and both look ready for development. Thinking about it, TP owns most of the land surrounding the main park; so just think how different the land could look in another 5-10 years.
  9. Stealth marked the beginning of Thorpe Park's recent concentration on Thrills, as far as branding goes. Therefore I think it was more their priority to get a big groundbreaking ride (be it the UK's version of groundbreaking), it's their signature ride! Stealth cost £12million, so they may just have not had much money left over to invest in it. On the other hand, think about this:- There's not much theming, not much landscaping, and a relatively small amount of actual track.So the majority of the money must have gone on the technology in the ride; which makes you think, maybe if they'd spent a little more on a longer, more varied circuit; it would have been a Europe's best.
  10. The sign actually says whether all the effects are working? Surely when an effect isn't working, by listing it on a sign, they're ruining the surprise :PEDIT: I suppose they'll just put something along the lines of 'some effects aren't working'
  11. Yeah, then everyone can throw rubbish in it!
  12. Just with regards to the tv/cinema ads:-I haven't stopped seeing the ads in the past week across tv, but does this not all seem a bit rushed?The advert seems just classic badly-cut footage (nothing new), along with a dodgy billy voiceover However I do like how Thorpe, and Merlin, are actually running a proper full-scale tv ad campaign; as opposed to the usual 'hit and miss' adverts that hardly ever appear each year.Why are they doing all this promotion so early in the season though? They're spending so much money advertising a ride that, so far, has had terrible reliability :PFingers crossed from now on though, and any adverts better than no advert I suppose
  13. Alton Towers have now begun running TV ads for Sharkbait Reef on digital channels. They feature new graphics as well as recycled bits from previous ads.
  14. Its today :DCouple of silly things; The background on the TP website, there are skulls in the clouds :DAnd going by all the pictures from today, so much of the station/inside theming matches the sawtheride.com site
  15. Haha, I meant the station as in theming-wise.Seemed prettymuch just messy walls?
  16. I thought it looked a bit empty ?
  17. It was on the coming-up bit
  18. Should be yeah,some nice on-ride footage too!should be on before 7...
  19. 0:00-1:40 Some nice footage :)And watch it carefully and you can see that the cars keep moving through the block brakes whilst the TV message is playing.
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