A Few years ago, I jumped off a 2 metre high climbing frame and hurt my toe. Silly me! My dad came to the play centre I was at where I hurt it and I thought I was fine and I did it again! Couldn't walk for a week.I have Osgood schlatters disease, it's where the bone in your knee grows too fast, still hurts.I hurt my thumb in a mucky fight a few months ago by punching someone in the back with the thumb pointing out, still doesn't feel right.Jammed my finger in a futon a few years back, it swole up.Was having a drum-roll competition using my fingers on a solid wood table, as hard and fast as I could for 5 minutes, one finger swole up and bruised REALLY badly and also cut one finger, blood was flying everywere!Got finger jammed in door when I was a baby, fire brigade had to be called out.Twisted my ankles a fair few times.I have such an unlucky life!But have never broken anything! (Touch wood)