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Dave d

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  1. But did u ever see me in a ex thorpe park uniform?
  2. Why were u dressed in a join the campaign for real fun t-shirt and a fanta jacket today........bit sad wernt it?
  3. Back in the day when TPM was not all flashy or stuffs, it was soo much better. Now its turned into some over the top site.In my opinion its just going down hill and its going to go further down. It dont have the updates as it used to or anything. Theres soo much potential but nothing is done about it. All it seems to be about on this site is audio, which is pointless. Make it like it used to be back a couple of years, it was soo much better.
  4. Oops double post oh wellWent to thorpe park omfg. But was my first visit for like 8 months =/It was boring.It was dead.Didnt count how many times I rode a ridebut didnt ride many.and then we went to woking. and I lost some money.end.
  5. Happy Birthday Dan W**maybe a late post, but now at least marc is not the only one who wished u a happy birthday
  6. WoooooooThe £2 thing is not a email, but a picture download thing. Where you go to a website and then download it from there.
  7. When did this happen then? Because the ride is strictly not allowed to run with guests on unless there are 15 guests or more. You can bail out now and admit you were lying...
  8. Dave d


    You are strange.. What made you do that =S
  9. I found out what the real problem is with Colossus today, its not the lift hill.
  10. Dave d

    Thorpe Farm

    Why did you go and walk around it you fool?
  11. Erm no...It has the ones where it breaks after the circuit.... Then goes round to the sets behind the station....
  12. Ive been stuck on Loggers Leap too many times. Nemesis in the first set of breaks, Vortex where it kept swinging. X:\ on the first block, got evacuated.. there are more but I dont see the point why yoo want to share your expieriences =/
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