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Everything posted by Phyciodes

  1. ummm kinda depends what I'm doing that day, but in general proberly the morning.ok, the simpsons movie will be crap or good.
  2. I feel that with Colossus. The bridge and kinda the corcsrews. OH and the flying fish!! LOL. The track goes soo close to the supports. I was woried I'd get my head knocked off.
  3. I usually get bored putting my arms up tbh. LOL. I'll put them up for the orp on all rides with orp but on rides such as vortex I get bored with my arms up and will usually put them down half wau through. LOL. Oh and zodiac I've never put my arms up on. I get scared I'll hit my head on the ceiling. LOL.
  4. Yeah I think tidal wave. Also if its a really hot day and theres a long tidal queue you can still get soaked without having to queue.
  5. Oh my god, and to think I'm going on thursday. Is all this business just to do with school trips? I hope so.
  6. bees (mmmm hunny) harry potter books or hp films
  7. Short hair (LOL its more me, I really can't imagine myself with long hair.)ummm... houses or bungalows
  8. Phyciodes


    Does anyone here watch the bill. LOL. Or am I the only one??
  9. overchristmas or birthday
  10. coketony blair or gordon brown
  11. ummmmm trouserstube or train
  12. AdrenalineBurger king or Mcdonalds?
  13. YESSimpsons or Futurama?
  14. Phyciodes


    Its also been confirmed that catherine tate will return to doctor who for the whole of the next series alongside the doctor and martha. I don't think it will be as good with two assistants but its good that catherines back. Kylie Minogue will also star in this years christmas episode the voyage of the damned which looks excellent. LOL it seems like quite a few people didn't like the final episode. I found it good, not the best episode but it was quite good.
  15. Phyciodes


    LOL. The last episode of doctor who was great. Funny ending. Now to wait until christmas... Its been confirmed that freema will remain in doctor who but will also join the torchwood team.
  16. Phyciodes


    Wow I am interested to know what happens next week now! The doctors an old man, the tardis has been changed, he doesn't have his tardis and there are loads of dilemas to be sorted out in 45 mintes next week!! What will be the outcome, we'll just have to wait and see..
  17. Phyciodes


    yeah I'm really looking forward to seeing the outcome tommorrow. Almost the end of the series. The last ones called the last of the timelords, I'm looking forward to see how it ends
  18. Phyciodes


    oh yeah LOL, got confused there. I also quite liked the family of blood and blink episode. Wasn't supposed to be sarcasm lol.
  19. Phyciodes


    yeah doctor whos great. I've only really started watching it since david tennant began. I like the smith and jones episode where he forgot he was the doctor and became the headmaster of a school.oops another off topic post
  20. Phyciodes


    yeah the new theming really does improve it (especially the queue line videos.) Didn't get a chance to see the video properly because there wasn't a queue.LOL. For some weird reason my mate thinks the dummies look like our spanish teacher.
  21. yeah I also want to go on dragons fury. Last time I went to Chessington it was closed. Everyone seems to say that dragons fury is quite scary and I must admit it does look kind of scary. But I don't get why chessington don't put it in the older adventurers section and they put it in the all the family section. However they do have the Extreme Games Zone (which is pratically just trampolines) in the older adventurers section. And I assume that oblivion looks better than it is.
  22. As I said kingda ka is the ride I want to do most however I really would need to get braver than I am now, because even though I love rides going at kingda ka speed must be bloody intense. I remember I was scared on my first go on stealth and I thought it was extremely fast. And kingda ka is like double the speed, so I don't know what I'll think of it, I really want to go on it in the future still. However I would also love to go on rides like ttd, and in england I really want to go on oblivion, as thats one of the only rides I haven't done at alton towers.
  23. Phyciodes


    yeah lol, suppose so.
  24. Phyciodes


    just notice something.... whenever stealth is unavailable or due to be unavailable the website doen't have the 'the home of stealth!!'. Is this true? Does anyone know why?
  25. Phyciodes


    got a school trip to thorpe coming next month
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