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Everything posted by Phyciodes

  1. There anti-virus programmes And tennisFootball or Rugby?
  2. Phyciodes

    Member Addys

    MSN : master_isk@hotmail.comEmail: iskanderjaved@yahoo.co.ukMyspace: http://www.myspace.com/masteriskander (I rarely go on it these days)Facebook: iskander javed youtube: masteriskandercant be asked to upload a photo, but few on the myspace =]
  3. well last time I went they E Stopped Nemesis inferno for about 20 minutes because someone had pulled out a camera/phone on the ride. So yes they are very strict about it now.
  4. mm.. Gift Card Lol the sugar puffs advert plays everywhere! jeans or tracksuit bottoms?
  5. Phyciodes


    great shame. Been on the ride once and did enjoy it. Definetely not the best ride there but still a small thrill. Wasn't too bothered by how bumpy the ride was. Its a great rollercoaster for younger thrill seekers to ride who can't ride the bigger rides, and will be missed!
  6. I'll go for chickensandwich or baguette?
  7. No exactly what you mean!! Last decent ride photo I had was in 2006
  8. hey, is that parkour or whatever it is in ur dp?

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  9. Acoustic (sounds nicer)cherly cole or danny minogue?
  10. Phyciodes


    Little Britain USA starts next friday on BBC 1 at 9:30 pm =]. Nice to see Little Britain returning even if it isn't the best comedy.
  11. BBC Onetake that's patience or shine?
  12. mmmmm..... RichardJeremey Clarkson or Simon cowell?
  13. whitepiano or keyboard?
  14. Applecybershot phone or walkman phone?
  15. Phyciodes


    Can't remember where I read or got this link from, but looks great!! Looping waterslide-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TGmBrYpZag
  16. "Numb"- Linkin ParkI'm tired of being what you want me to beFeeling so faithless lost under the surfaceDon't know what you're expecting of mePut under the pressure of walking in your shoes(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)Every step that I take is another mistake to you(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)[Chorus]I've become so numb I can't feel you thereBecome so tired so much more awareI'm becoming this all I want to doIs be more like me and be less like youCan't you see that you're smothering meHolding too tightly afraid to lose controlCause everything that you thought I would beHas fallen apart right in front of you(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)Every step that I take is another mistake to you(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)And every second I waste is more than I can take[Chorus]I've become so numb I can't feel you thereBecome so tired so much more awareI'm becoming this all I want to doIs be more like me and be less like youAnd I knowI may end up failing tooBut I knowYou were just like me with someone disappointed in you[Chorus]I've become so numb I can't feel you thereBecome so tired so much more awareI'm becoming this all I want to doIs be more like me and be less like you[Chorus]I've become so numb I can't feel you thereI'm tired of being what you want me to beI've become so numb I can't feel you thereI'm tired of being what you want me to be
  17. Phyciodes


    Penguin walks into a shop and asks for a pint of milk" Sorry we don't serve penguins in here" says the shopkeeper, so the penguin walks outNext day the penguin walks into the same shop and asks for a pint of milk" I told you we don't serve penguins in here" says the shopkeeper, so the penguin waddles out.Next day the penguin returms again and asks for a pint of milk" We don't serve penguins in here! and if you come in again, I'll nail you to the floor." Said the shopkeeper. So the penguin waddles outNext day the penguin returns again and says " Have you got any nails?""No!" says the shopkeeper" In that case, can I have a pint of milk" says the penguin. No chance thats offending anyone.
  18. Phyciodes


    An English man, scottish man and irish man all work on a buildings sightone day there openeing there lunch, and the english man opens his sandwich to find ham" I always get ham" he says " if I get ham 1 more time I'm gonna kill myself"the irish man opens his sandwich to find cheese" I always get cheese" he says " if I get cheese 1 more time I'm gonna kill myself"the irish man opens his sandwich to find gammon" I always get gammon" he says "if I get gammon 1 more time I'm gonna kill myself"so the next day their all opening their sandwiches, the english man opens it and finds ham, so he jumps off and kills himselfthe scots man opends his sandwich to find cheeseso he jumps off and kills himselfthe irish man opens his sandwich to find gammonso he jumps off and kills himself.At the funeral the three wives meet " I wish I hadn't always given him ham" says the English mans wife, " yeah I wish I hadn't always given him cheese" agrees the scotsmans wife. The irish mans wife looks at the other two and says " I don't understand it, Paddy made his own sandiwches"
  19. frenchHeath Ledger's Joker or Jack Nicholson's Joker?
  20. The original Flying Fish and the modal village. The fish will never be the same. I love stealth, but it was a shame when they got rid of the fish and village.
  21. automatics not an option dear and eurostar. Gordon Brown or Borris Johnson ?
  22. Runaway Train!Entrance music or end of the day music? at Thorpe.
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