An English man, scottish man and irish man all work on a buildings sightone day there openeing there lunch, and the english man opens his sandwich to find ham" I always get ham" he says " if I get ham 1 more time I'm gonna kill myself"the irish man opens his sandwich to find cheese" I always get cheese" he says " if I get cheese 1 more time I'm gonna kill myself"the irish man opens his sandwich to find gammon" I always get gammon" he says "if I get gammon 1 more time I'm gonna kill myself"so the next day their all opening their sandwiches, the english man opens it and finds ham, so he jumps off and kills himselfthe scots man opends his sandwich to find cheeseso he jumps off and kills himselfthe irish man opens his sandwich to find gammonso he jumps off and kills himself.At the funeral the three wives meet " I wish I hadn't always given him ham" says the English mans wife, " yeah I wish I hadn't always given him cheese" agrees the scotsmans wife. The irish mans wife looks at the other two and says " I don't understand it, Paddy made his own sandiwches"