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About EdH

  • Birthday January 28

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  1. Any idea how busy it will be this week? Monday/Tuesday. Are schools going back this week?
  2. Monday - thoughts? Weather will be average - most unis have gone back? But will it be busy?
  3. I'm going on monday! PLEEASSEE ALL BE WORKING and don't be busy! Anyone been this week?
  4. EdH

    SAW: Alive

    When you are going round you can barely see the rooms and the scenes that they are trying to depict.The maze just seemed like walking in a line with random actors dressed up coming up to you and jumping out at yo.
  5. I went on it today... It sucked.
  6. Did anyone go yesterday or has gone today?What were queue times for the big rides like SAW, Stealth, Nem, Colos?
  7. Going on wednesday - hoping for no queues
  8. EdH

    Ticket Price

    Hey,I've managed to get one of those 2 for 1 coupons but I'm wondering how much this will make the ticket priceYou have to buy tickets on arrival with one of these coupons so how much will it cost?Thanks for your helpEd
  9. Yes thanks very much.I just wanted someone to confirm to me that it could be quite quiet. I'm really hoping it is and I can go on everything loads
  10. But seriously, look at what it was like in Cypress Gardens... the little cover on the frame makes it look so much betterhttp://www.cypressgardensphotos.com/photo.php?PhotoNumber=601&Gallery=All&Sort=Date&Order=DESC&Search=storm
  11. EdH


    I think they should flip the cars round like they did on the indianna jones ride in DLRP.
  12. Well yeah, I actually planned on going on a weekday I just said a random date in sept :lol:So queues won't be long in sept week?How long for stuff like stealth, saw etc.
  13. I'm thinking of going mid/early september like the 10th or something. Anyone know what the average queues will be like?
  14. EdH


    Yeah it was behind glass.. Is the massive battery not still there at the end of the ride?
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