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About ThrillQueen

  • Birthday 08/08/1989

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  • Favourite ride
    Rumba Rapids or Nemesis
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  1. Did NOT enjoy the actors in the Saw queue today!I refuse to go in Saw Alive because I absolutely hate that kind of thing! I think its horrible, so was not impressed to find the actors in the queue, I understand it adds to the atmosphere (and they need something to do while the maze is closed) but it scared the life out of me! Yuck!
  2. Hehe it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought.. I had really worked my self up about it lol.. I must agree that going up was much MUCH worse than going down!
  3. Hello All! Haven't been on here in ages!I'm going to TP tomorrow for the first time this season.... didn't get a chance to ride SAW last year..I'm quite scared about the drop.... is it any worse than other drops such as they initial Colossus drop? Thats the one bit about the rides that I dislike, but obviously necesary to enjoy the rest!
  4. I had a similar situation to Paul.Got stuck on Loggers for about an hour and a half at the very top of the lift hill. All the other boats were evacuated but half our boat was past the edge of the platform (literally just before the drop!)So we had to sit there! Ate our Sandwichs and had a great chat with the staff!Got exit passes for the rest of the day.
  5. ThrillQueen


    I just screamed really loudly! Op told me and my mate we were acting like a bunch of 5 years olds
  6. I am quite large myself... (having large breasts does not help in the slightest!) and the only problems I have had is with vortex and Colossus.Vortex was solved with a good push from the Staff member Embarrassing (and a bit painful too!) as everyone was watching lol!Colossus.. sit in the front seat of the car. There is a bit more space... Again a little push managed to get it down sufficiently..Hope you have a great day!x
  7. I get it from the one in the Dome... then always feel really ill on the way home!
  8. Always try head for nemesis first (including looking like a numpty as I chase after my bro through the park!)Lunch is always Pizza Hut Buffet, followed by Rumba... used to be BK but now addicted to Pizza hut!Try to always finish the day with lots of Depth Charge - I always win (weight advantage! lol)Umm thats about it really... Pic N Mix for the way home....
  9. Morning!I'm Annie, a previous member of here, though a long time ago, and a dedicated Thorpe Park Fan!My birthday being in August meant that my parents always took me as a child and I've loved it ever since!Favourite ride? Hmm probably Rumba Rapids, though I love the rollercoaters too x
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