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Everything posted by James6

  1. Great trip report, shame about the Chavs thing, That is the one thing that puts me off saying something, I usually just wait and tell an op as it's easier for them to handle it than me. A couple of years ago at Fright Nights, it was 2006 or 2007, and the que for Stealth was 2 and a half- 3 hours and it was about 8.00pm I think, and this group of 4 huge coloured guys, I would say about 25, came hurtling through the queline, they got about 3 quarters of the way through and this Granny I would bet money she was over 60, stopped them , on her own with no friends/family with her. One of the guys then shoved/pushed her into the fence, so they got through, when this happened the whole que went silent. Then someone I was with called a number that was supplied somewhere to call about que jumping, and some security guys came and removed them as they were just about to get on the ride. It's so annoying how people think they have the right not to que.
  2. The only time I've witnessed this sort of interactivity was on April Fools ( 1st of April) one year at Alton Towers, and on literally every ride the ops were talking, joking, making the rides more fun, and I wish it was a year round thing at all of the Merlin Parks. It was on Ripsaw , the op said you've broken down when we were at the top , then moved us in front of the fountains and said we've broken down again. Then once the cycle was over and we were at the bottom he said that the restraints were stuck and to get off we would have to do everything he said so he made us wave our arms to right , arms to the left, scream, try to jump up and down etc etc.It was really great
  3. I think he meant that because you put on your TR the 11th, which is today, it's 11 now and the park opens at 9.30, hence an hour and a half
  4. This weeks competition ends this Sunday. I never really thought of that to be honest, but its worth a shot :PWill be interesting to see pictures from other parks.This weeks challenge has been changed to... "To get the best picture you can of ANY park"Let the hundreds of entries begin Those with existing entries for this week still stand unless you wish to change them.Good luck
  5. Thanks very much you guys , it's great when people appreciate when you write a Trip Report
  6. Back from Spain, this weeks competition ends this Sunday.Could do with a few more entries :)As you can probably tell , really running out of ideas for competitons that lots of people could enter so please put them forward if you've got any .Thanks James
  7. Hello Edit: you people are so lucky, this webpage started not responding and I thought I had lost this trip report which I wouldn't have been bothered to write out again. :DI have recently got back from Spain and have decided to post a trip report on the fantastic Terra Mitica.The whole place looks stunning and every building is themed superbly, and when you enter it really does feel like you've entered another world.I don't understand how a park struggling for attendance can be themed and maintained so well, and yet a park like Thorpe Park, over-attended, has no theming in comparison and is poorly maintained.I was there from about 4.30PM till 10 and got on quite a bit, even with company who find that they need to walk incredibly slowly and it takes them 10 minutes to get up after sitting down , oh well!It was an extremely hot day, 38/39 degrees celsius I think.Anyway on to the rides, some places are known as Vekoma land, or Zamperla Land, Terra Mitica is... Intamin Land Intamin Drop TowerIntamin Observation TowerIntamin/Mack Log flume initially I assumed it was a Mack, but the boats seated 6 so I thought it could be possible it was another Intamin )Intamin Super SplashIntamin Wooden Roller Coaster TrainsIntamin Zacspin/ ball coasterIntamin RapidsThat's the majority of them so you probably get the idea.Even walking in to ques at 4.30, everything was a walk on/ 1 boat wait/ 1 cycle wait , which was brilliant for us, but not for the park and is probably behind why it's struggling financially.I can't remember the order I went on the rides so I'm just going to go through the main onesFalls of the NileThis is the Mack/Intamin Log Flume and is without doubt, apart from the ones in the States, the best Log Flume I've been on.It's very unique and starts off with the biggest drop, which I think I read somewhere is 25 meters, about the 3rd/4th time on this the ride came to a stop and the boat I was in was hanging over the edge, you could just about see the edge of the drop and we were sat there for about 15 minutes looking out over Benidorm.Then after a lovely little meander passing through, in tune with the rest of the park, excellant theming, then up a large lift and, the trough dissapears, you come to an abrupt stop, turn , and then are shoved down a drop about half the size of the first, very fun and catches first time riders out. Triton\'s FuryThis is the Intamin Super Splash , and is once again, except for the ones in the states, the best of it's type and put\'s Tidal Wave to shame. I will only go on Tidal Wave if it's hot and has a short que, and as we all know, that doesn't happen very often, But this even if it was quite chilly I would choose to ride. You start off casually floating through caves, atmospheric music and statues, you then climb a bumpy lift and go down the first drop which gives you a refreshing misting. you then turn around and are facing, the 2nd drop, probably with a boat plunging down it. This drop, although smaller than Tidal Wave's, slightly, is so much better for a number of reasons. Your already going at a fair speed when you go over it giving a fun pop of air and then the track plunges away and this drop is seriously steep for a water ride, you do float out your seat slightly and then get drenched, not as much as Tidal Wave but what I would say is the right amount, enough to cool you down, not enough to drown you.SynkopeA Mondial big swing thing, similar to Vortex but with seats on the outside. Gives pretty awesome airtime and rations it out rather than some people getting the ride of their lives and some getting a pretty rubbish ride. I personally much prefer it to Vortex.Minotaur's LabyrinthA shoot em up ride, and guess what... It's, apart from in the States, the best of it\'s kind. I think this ride lasted about 15 minutes? Well that\'s what it felt like, and I'm a sucker for a long ride, part of why I know prefer CHessington to Thorpe. The theming was sensational on this, some of the best I've ever seen and like mentioned earlier, for a park struggling financially, so so so much was moving, there were too many animatronics to see.Also this ride has 2 endings, the one I got I think was the common one you get if your score isn\'t high enough.Magnus ColossusLast time I rode this I remember being beaten to mush, this time I was pleasantly surprised, I remembered it being rough, but this time it was just incredibly bumpy and I was even able to re-ride! Great airtime on the first drop, but the rest is just fun for reasons I don't even know.InfernoI'll start with a bit of a story on this one.In the future developments for Thorpe threads, the Intamin Ball coaster/Zacspin has been suggested and I've always thought, what, why would anyone want one of them , they look slow, boring, short and have a terrible throughput. How wrong I was.This is probably the most insane coaster I've ever ridden, and queing for it the first time actually made me scared, which I don't think any other ride has made me feel that way, but this ride suits Terra Mitica in the way Nemesis suits Alton Towers. You pull down a very tight restraint, similar to Stealth\'s but the bit over your shoulders is like a fabric and is tight on your shoulders and at first you think, why's it so tight, only do you realise without it your limbs would end up pretty much a liquid.If your "ball" isn't balanced then on the lift you will either be facing the sky, or the ground. You reach the top and travel slowly until you just plummet underneath yourself and depending on which way your facing, you either get ejector airtime or ejector airtime into a seat which is a weird experience. you then steady and then again depending which side your facing, are falling away from the sky or crashing the towards the ground until your ripped skywards for the most insane element you'll ever experience, it's not got a name, its just the end bit where you are thrown upwards into a tight crest where you flip upside down.One of my favourite coasters ever, and I would love to experience the new one somewhere in Europe which is like 2 of these on top of each other.Rapids of ArgosThis was, again , except the ones in America, the best Rapids I've been on , the whole way round it was speedy bumpy and it was so long like most of the rides there, unlike Congo River Rapids and Rumba Rapids, there weren't any dead bits and the theming was brilliant again!I think I've gone on for too long now, especially about a park the majority of people have probably never even heard of.Other awesome rides include another Mondial masterpiece, the same as the Energizer/Boneshaker at Alton Towers.Hope you enjoyed JamesThe entranceThe view when you walk in A look towards the mountain Magnus Colossus is built onA look towards the entrance area taken on the way to Falls of the NileThe first drop of Falls of the Nile, the drop looks smaller than it is in this picture, or maybe it's because usually your looking at the from the othr side and the entrance area is built alot lower so possibly that makes it look bigger .Synkope in full swingThe entrance to Magnus Colossus, with Intamin Trains, in the background Inferno an Intamin Zacspin coaster , and also in the background Flight of the Phoenix an Intamin drop towerThe "kiddie Coaster" AlucinakisLe colera de Akiles, the Mondial contraptionThe Intamin supersplash, Triton's Fury, this is the First drop, you can't see the excellant theming from these pictures as most is behind the caves The "big" drop, In my opinion , slightly better than Tidal Wave'sInferno and again And finally a rubbish picture of it in the darkTerra Mitica really did come alive at night
  8. I noticed this on Monday, I would turn around and a train would be entering the station, and then what felt like seconds later it would be leaving again , it was brilliant
  9. I'm off to Spain now for 10 days, so this is just a reminder to everyone to get your entries in for this challenge :PThanks guys
  10. Awesome trip report and its great to read someone else's from the same day. When Fury had it's block shutdown, I was in the 2nd car stuck on Vampire's 2nd lift and got absolutely soaked!
  11. James6


    I think it's a good rapids but I do agree, you really do just float around through concrete, and theres no attempt made to have hidden it.
  12. James6


    Wow , that is surprising seeing as Legoland do usually, like you say , care for there rides and little effects exceptionally well.
  13. Yeah, I guess. To be honest it's inevitable, Saw is still being heavily advertised, along with sun scream , Thorpe will be having a busy summer.
  14. Great trip reports you 2. Thorpe sounds less busy than I was expecting and seems to be coping well with the crowds, hopefully it will carry on throughout the rest of the summer .
  15. Thanks very much guys Ha , yeah, Let me go round twice without getting off, very nice of him Thanks I've visited Alton and Thorpe a a few times this season, and yesterday was the first "complete" day if you know what I mean. I was just amazed at all the little details. I really do hope next year is a great year for the park with the new additions. Make sure you do , you won't regret it.Oh and here's some pics from yesterdayA cool looking fishy in SealifeAn ugly looking fishy in SealifeA picture of one of my, now, favourite bits of theming ever A not so great picture of one of my favourite coasters now, Vampire Was attempting a sort of background type thing here, shame it didn't really workAnother of VampireA picture early on , from the slow leisurely bit on Dragon Falls before the main drop, note the cloudy weather... Some of the fantastic theming on Dragon FallsAnother one from Dragon FallsA perfectly timed ( I wish!) picture of Dragons FuryThe awesome themed Rattlesnake, also notice the nice blue sky now A picture I tried to take to show one of the few downpours.A nice look down at the Lions from the Safari SkywayThat's all I'm going to put up I think.Enjoy
  16. I've just spent about 45 minutes typing up a trip report and I just pressed backspace and it's all gone...Give me a bit and I'll do it again...Stupid meEdit: here we go , sadly this one won't be as detailed as the one I had just done. Gah I spent so long on that! Anyway, just got back from the best trip to a theme park I've had in years! Also it was the most relaxing one aswell.It was 9.30 and Beanoland was all that was open so Started off with 2 rides on the dodgems which was great fun,Now it was about 5 to 10 and they opened up.Got 2 rides on Dragons Fury in quick succession, but was left wanting more and was disappointed.Then headed off and went on Dragon Falls, again twice in a row. This is now my favourite flume in the UK. The theming is phenomenal and the whole area around it fits in. Also the waters clean and I noticed loads of little effects working.Now on to Tomb Blaster, which is another ride with brilliant theming, I personally think this is much better than Duel , but I do prefer Duel's Pacing.Next, the highlight of the day!. Rattlesnake, I personally believe this is the best themed ride in the UK. I actually felt like I was where I was supposed to be, and there were so many stunning effects, it was like being at Disney. The sleeping amigos, with there animatronic heads. The exploding shack, the slithering snake.Every detail was cared for. And then theres the ride, I've been on wild mouses before but this was amazing. The first couple of times , when it was first thing in the morning I don't think it braked the whole circuit. It was immense.So after 3/4 queless goes on that we moved on and headed for Vampire, expecting by now the ques to have built up and were thinking we'd be lucky to get a go today. We were already planning when we were going to go to Thorpe, Ha, how wrong we were. We actually went on Bubbleworks before Vampire, and I hadn't been on it since the refurb. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be, but it is a shadow of it's former self. A nice break though.Then to VampireWalked straight through the long, completely empty que, to an empty station, with an empty trainThe first couple of times, we walked straight on. I, until today thought of Vampire as a pretty tame family coaster, No longer, today it was extreme , I absolutely loved it! I would say at least 3/4 times per ride, the train swung over 90 degrees. I don't know whether it was the rain or if they put steroids in the oil this morning but my god it was fun.The sun then decided to say hello, so we headed back to the car to drop off jumpers etc and, we couldn't pass Rattlesnake without a couple more goes :POn the way back we grabbed some lunch from the fried Chicken CO. which was nice, albeit I thought the chips had been sat there for weeks. And good value with the annual pass discount. We then decided to check out this Ice Age thing, For an attraction set up, for what, 2 months? I was amazed! Quite long, and although it was a bit pointless, it was a nice addition.We then took a ride on the Runaway Train , and this can't be the same ride as the Flying Fish? The Runaway Train was great fun and it's shameful that the same ride looks the way it does over at Thorpe. The interaction from the ride op was great with this one. But to be honest, EVERY ride op today made an effort to have an actual conversation with you, not just, are you having a good day. But giving tips how to make the day better, seeing what your favourite rides been etc.Then on the way to Vampire again , decided on a few more goes on Rattlesnake, the que really building up now to 5 minutes.Vampire's station is just, magical , the atmosphere is unrivalled in any other attraction IMO. But if music was introduced it would be even better.I would just like to thank Chessington very much, they ran Vampire on 3 trains all day today, when there wasn't ever more than a 4/5 train wait, absolutely fangtastic ( ) . Also dispatching was incredible, with trains flying out every 20 seconds.Another thing I loved on Vampire was the interaction between the 2 trains on the track, the one that had just left the 1st lift and the one that has just left the 2nd lift swung over each other and it was perfectly timed every time.I can say nothing but praise for Chessington after today, just walking around the park is a pleasure, you can see green grass unlike some parks... Naming no names ( Thorpe) . But when your in an area, you know your in that area, you don't have to read a sign to tell you. Everything fits in it's area and the theming blew me away today as a whole.Thorpe can't even call itself a theme park compared to Chessington, it's just a selection of rides arranged on a beautiful concrete slab...Well back to my day , After Vampire again , decided to take a relaxing ride on the Safari Skyway, the commentary was brilliant, and overall it was just fantastic. I didn't realise how big Holiday Inn Chessington is, also I couldn't believe it's actually safari themed. After the Skyway we headed on over the the Sealife centre, I can't believe it's a temporary building, it felt never ending! It was brilliant, but I don't think it's quite as good as Sharkbait Reef at Alton.Then it was time for another downpour, over the day there was about 3 I think, but all rides remained open, one happened whilst on Vampire, got absolutely drenched!We then were planning on seeing the Sealion show but there having some structural work or something like that, so there wasn't a show today.Then on the way back we grabbed, yet another couple of goes on Vampire and Rattlesnake.We then went to Dragons Fury as the final ride, and I think, one car spins more than the others, whilst queing, ( only ride with a Que all day) we noticed this one car was spinning more than the others and we got that one I think. I've never felt so disorientated on a ride before. It was amazing! Being dissapointed with it earlier, it obviously jsut needed time to warm up as it flew round the track this, and the next time.That's the day then really, absolutely 10/10A few points people in my company made, and these are people not at all into parks.They said the best thing about the rides at Chessington was that they have good length, I hadn't thought about it until they said it, but they are absolutely right, everything lasts a good amount of time. ( Take note again Thorpe)No litter whatsoeverThe theming was impeccableAll effects visible were working at 100%Don't really know what to add, sorry for the less detailed trip report, as I say , I had done a pretty huge one but somehow managed to delete it!Ride Count and quesVampire x 8 Never got above 10 minutes, impeccably run on 3 trainsRattlesnake x 8 Never got above 10 minutes, even when after downpours when it was run with 2 people per carDragon's Fury x 4 Awesome Peaked at 20 minutes, biggest que of day by farRodger the dodger's dodgems x 2 got to around 10 I thinkTomb Blaster x 1 Maxed at 5 all dayRunaway Train x 1 5 minutes topsSafari Skyway x 1 10 minutes I thinkSeastorm x 1 5 minutesBubbleworks x 1 10 minutesDragon Falls x 2 5 minutesOh another thing, 1 breakdown all day, which was Rameses Revenge and I don't think it reopened.Makes me wish I hadn't changed my mind at the last minute so many times!Thanks for reading :PJames
  17. This weeks winner is...Drum Rull :PRossafc!!Well done , awesome picture :PNext weeks challenge is going to be 2 weeks long , I am trying it this week as I am away for 10 days from friday, so thought it would be a good time to try it.This weeks challenge is to " To get the best picture of any Merlin park"It's a very general topic this week and I've chosen and I'm hoping that's going to get more entries and keep more people interested for a longer time. :PTo clear up , it can be a ride or area in a Merlin Park Good Luck
  18. Voting has begun by the way !
  19. This weeks photo Challenge is ending at 8! Voting will then run untill 8.45 and the winner will be announced aswell as next weeks challenge Good luck
  20. James6

    This Or That

    Congo The Flume or Dragon Falls
  21. James6

    This Or That

    At night , looking at the park lit up is amazingNemesis Inferno, front or Back?
  22. James6

    This Or That

    FacebookGlasses or Contact lenses
  23. James6

    This Or That

    ComputerJackass 1 or Jackass 2
  24. James6

    This Or That

    SaveStorm in a teacup or Marauders Mayhem
  25. James6

    This Or That

    FireworksFun Coaster or Scary coaster
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