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About Thrillseek3r

  • Birthday 11/30/1988

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  • Favourite ride
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  • Location
    Richmond Borough
  • Interests
    Architectecture, Ice Skating, Games, Photography, Design and Animation.

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  1. Well you'll have to check with javs as I've stopped modelling TP. And just look around you, there's millions of buildings that are not on Google Earth for you to choose from. I love modelling for Google Earth, but I just haven't had the time lately. (:
  2. Nice to see I finally got support with javs adding the rest of the rides, I became tied up in important work. But the models are excellent! Well done (: Be nice to get a free ticket to Thorpe park one day for my modelling effort =D I joke.
  3. Pizza Hut models are LIVE now on Google Earth, the rest are to follow within the next week or so. I'm still working on Tidal Wave, but have just finished CRUST Food shop located next to Colossus.
  4. Thanks lol Tidal Wave model is taking me so long to do.. Quite a fiddly one to be honest. And I've always been one for detail. Next on the line is X:\ No Way Out.. which from early test models may seem tricky as I can't find sufficient textures for the building. Might have to make them up..And for the others.. Sketchup is easy to learn. You just got to stick at it and watch the tutorial videos and play around with it all the time.
  5. Arr! always wondered about the flame & why thank you! lol =D TIDAL WAVE IN THE MAKING
  6. 10 points to whoever guesses what this is I've modelled.. lol
  7. That was my mistake sorry. Only just discovered TP on street view.. and thought it was up to date news lol. Another view of Burger King Building:
  8. SHARK? lol well I didn't see any sharks from the pictures I've used to texture it.. Show me and I'll add it [= And thanks! And finished the model just this second:
  9. Really? =D What software you using? I'd love the help hah
  10. Well I think TP deserves it =D I'm just working on Amity Hotel
  11. Hey everyone =D Just thought I'd let you know that I've started to make 3D models of Thorpe park for anyone in the world to see on Google Earth. Here are 2 models I've done so far: BURGER KING http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=ac2331b64fe63328d88a7002dfb37846&result=12]PIZZA HUT http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=24a29f604b413fc1d88a7002dfb37846They are currently waiting to go live on Google Earth, but when they do.. You can check them out in full 3D. It's going to take me a while to model the park in my own time, as each model takes about 4/6 hours depending on detail. Although some guy has modelled STEALTH which is live now.=DSTEALTH or visit map location on Google Earth. http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=8eccf97caf4515c2ef70d2754009e26f&prevstart=0LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK FACTS+ Google Earth is FREE http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en_uk/earth/index.html+ The software I use to model is FREE http://sketchup.google.com/ - So start learning and help me! lol+ I do a lot of other models in my spare time - http://www.geomod3d.co.uk
  12. Well they better sort out there ride reliability, and iron out the creases. As main season is coming, and you dont want down times on rides with a packed park everday ... Ohhh mrs thorpe park, will you ever go a season with a break down
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