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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Possibly to the back of the coaster behind the building, or for deliveries to the shop? But IMO it seems pretty odd of them not using the largest part as a queue line. I'm not entirely convinced by this.
  2. So I got my call today, and I got the job! I'm so pleased! My inductions are as follows:Company Induction: 14th MarchCommercial Induction: 28th MarchFood Safety Training: 29th March (I'm not even in F&B, I'm retail?)
  3. I haven't signed a contract yet
  4. I think so. I was so stupid today actually. Thorpe tried to call me and it could've been the call that finalizes everything and I missed it. But the stupid thing was, I had my mobile in my pocket ALL DAY! I felt gutted because I couldn't call back the number they dialed from, they block incoming calls. They didn't ride it.
  5. DAMN IT! My Pass expires this sunday. ;) :P
  6. Jigsaw might want you to throw yourself from the top of the building to see if you really are grateful for your life
  7. SMOKE! I SEE SMOKE! Wonder where that fits into?Freddy Please tell me you took that photo whilst standing as still as possible. Because those blades ARE SPINNING
  8. Actually if they're spinning at a decent speed, then you will be able to tell because of the motion.
  9. Well even if they do spin, they'll probably stop spinning after the first year or two. Just like Tidal Waves Gas Tank thingybob.
  10. That cog mechanism is definitely for effect. If they were going to spin, a motor would've been installed, which is more capable and faster at spinning the blades.
  11. But Mark that is the point. My mum is currently undergoing treatment from cancer, and I'm pretty sure that the papers or any form of media wouldn't care about my mum would they? The only reason they are publicising Jades story is because she's famous.Perhaps a local newspaper would write up an article for someone such as my mum, but thinking about Jades situation with mass media, it just wouldn't happen.The question we are all asking, is rather much like the question I'm still asking today about a different story.What is so Special about Jade Goody?What is so special about Madeline McCann? (She got tons and tons of publicity, she wasn't even famous before she was kidnapped)She is in the same position as other people, but everyone else didn't get celebrities calling out for peoples help.It actually bothers me to a certain extent, it really does.
  12. You could be right there Matt, but IMO they wont be allowed to spin. Who Knows
  13. Well lets think about it actually.If they did ride it, then that would mean all this testing is completely pointless, no? The whole point of testing, is to ensure it meets the safety standards and that it is okay for the general public to ride. Let me remind you that the people photographed are still normal people. So if it is okay for them to ride, then it's okay for everyone else to ride, and there would be no need for testing.Thorpe wouldn't have allowed them to go round if they hadn't tested it.Short Version: They Didn't Ride, Because Its Not Logical
  14. They did ride it. They must have paid thorpe or summin.
  15. StevenVig


    Basically jsut install PowerDVD and your dvd's will work fine, no matter what type. But then it does depend on what types of dvds your drive can read
  16. 2 Kittens, 2 Rabbits and 1 HamsterThe kittens are both girls, Kiki & Amber. Most adorable cats ever! Although Amber is extremely shy. Kiki is just really naughty, but also cute and lovable at the same time. We then have our two rabbits, Smokey & Charcoal. Both Boys, brothers infact, they just run around in thier run all day and eat all of thier food. Charcoal is seriously overwieght, because he is huge!Finally we have one hamster, Snowy, poor thing is on her last legs, although she is still going strong. She is mostly a sleeper. HmmmmI will upload a few pictures soon.
  17. StevenVig


    Yeah but in my experience it takes 20 minutes to record a 2 minute video. Thats un exaggerated. when you start recording the game play just slows right down to like 1-2 frames ever 10 seconds. perhaps thats just my computers, but the same thing has happened on 3 computers. Give fraps a shot.
  18. I can no longer attend the meet, got other commitments with more special people.Sorry!
  19. Ride Hosts are not permitted to operate, thats the job of the Ride Operator.
  20. Well Done ThemeParkAddict! What department/area you down for?
  21. StevenVig


    Schools Cancelled! That advert couldn't be more pointless.Yeah because I move my eyebrows up and down like a retard when I'm eating chocolate....
  22. What with this lovely white weather, I thought I'd take advantage of it.
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