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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. People will moan about not being given enough notice to plan a trip. Trust me, coaster geeks will find any which way to complain. I'm ready for the pot kettle black responses
  2. It's purely aesthetics
  3. Keen to find out what version you have as I have one from around the same time.
  4. People thinking it's going to look like the concept art are absolutely delusional, much like the park Here's an example Detonator - Concept Art Detonator - What You're Actually Getting Thorpe - Response to comparison This will be ****. Make no mistake.
  5. Update I have found the original artist and title Terry Devine-King Out Of This World https://www.audionetwork.com/browse/m/track/out-of-this-world_41343 Enjoy
  6. The more you say it, the more it might come true
  7. Hardly 'breaking in' when its a pathetic white tent
  8. I managed to find the original artist years ago and purchased a copy. Because of my impressive organisational skills, I removed the original metadata of the artist and track name, so have no idea what it was called now. But this is the clip you are after. I'm not all bad on here 😉
  9. Calling Ghost Train a 'staple attraction' is pretty brave 😂
  10. Except it isn't satire though is it? That's one of the problems with theme park geeks, they just don't think about things logically. People actually believe its coming back one day
  11. Please just let it die already. It's not coming back. It's never coming back. The more you speculate it coming back, the less of a chance it will happen. Get over it. It's not going to happen. Ever.
  12. Those aren't leg ticklers. Leg ticklers require the gap to be open and free to move in a 180 degree fashion. Those are just cables hanging out of the ventilation plates for the PCs. Sorry to burst your bubble.
  13. Just a note on Aramark On my visit to Chessington yesterday, my group and I deliberately left the park, to have a meal at the neighbouring Beefeater, and then re-entered. Saved a considerable amount, and the food quality was far superior. That says it all.
  14. I'm not 100% sure if the park own the hardware or if it's leased. What I do know is that https://www.adi.tv/ were the ones who installed it. So either the park don't have/arent willing to spend the budget to fix it, or adi's maintenance service is piss poor, which I am very sure it's not. They're one of the leaders in this space.
  15. It won't be done for another 11 years now, lets be honest
  16. Yes, I spoke to him directly. 🙂
  17. Just to manage expectations, John Burton is not involved with Ghost Train at all. So do not expect it to be the same standard as TCaAM 👀
  18. It definitely can be, as you can see from this photo
  19. It's not Thorpe increasing the prices, it's Aramark.
  20. The theme will 100% be something that is rundown, old and rotting. Anything that the park doesn't need to actively maintain. That's all Merlin comes up with when it comes to themes. Just look at World of Jumanji, they can literally let it overgrow naturally, and it will be completely on brand.
  21. Now if they could do this for all the other shipping containers *ahem* shark cabins *ahem*, then they might actually be starting to make progress
  22. It's been confirmed that it's being ripped out
  23. They've literally had 6 years to make it work, if they haven't achieved it in that time, they never will. Everyone knows by now to go in with extremely low expectations, then you wont be disappointed when it turns out to be a shambles.
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