Are you illiterate? Can you not read what I posted?I said it was a rough guess based on what people on this forum had reported. If I was 'making up any random reason' I would have said, oh maybe a wheel has fallen off or something... What I posted was based on the knowledge that the train was apparantly not releasing from the catch car correctly. This is a fairly serious problem. More to the point my post is not un-educated. I have a very good knowledge of the ride, I know the former head engineer well, and have had a guided walk around the ride from him with all the important systems and functions of the ride pointed out. So, call it uneducated if you want but, I do believe that gives me a fair bit of knowledge about Stealth. Also, if you would calm down slightly and stop trying to argue about everything, and actually take the time to read my post you will see that I said it was a guess based on what people had said, and I explained my reasoning for coming to such a conclusion. I was wrong, I admit it, yet you have personally decided that I won't forget it. Yet, look in the Rumba topic and everyone is guessing away with no particular clue about te real reason, and no-one tells them to stop trying.