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Everything posted by RobD

  1. I'll agree there. That said, if Stealth actually had had a proper soundtrack pre FN09, I might think differently. I hated the music on Colossus, it's Station track at FN was brilliant, why change it to that SAW rubbish? Also the lost city track was just downright annoying, I'd have the FN07 or 08 Colossus music back as the area backing track any day. The use of SAW music at the end of the night was also, in my opinion a big mistake, FN has it's own entrance theme and park theme, it's a brilliant piece, so why fix it if it ain't broke?
  2. The highest point for the highest swinging set of seats is 64.3 feet. It does go over this from time to time however, and can even be blown over by the wind. This causes an emergency stop, resulting in the ride's power cutting out and it taking about 5 minutes to stop.
  3. ^^ Yeah mate, I wouldn't risk it, if you go ahead with it make sure you get permission from Thorpe Park or which ever park is relevent. You'd also need the permission of Midnight Syndicate / Lionsgate for uploading a variety of FN music. Otherwise, it's illegal.And, on a music related note, I really dislike the FN09 music. It's all far too same-y and created a SAW atmosphere throughout the park, which annoyed me, bearing in mind that each park area and ride has it's own FN music that fits a lot better than just SAW III soundtrack.
  4. Thanks and in the north, we don't speak like that =P.

    I know I'm about 6 months late. Sorrryyy.

  5. RobD


    ^I know you are the ultimate authority on Rush, so feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but I have also been told A operates faster than B, by an engineer who is a friend. The problem, I believe, is due to the air pressure in each swing; A recieves slightly more than B when both are operating together which results in B being both slower and lower. That's why when B operates alone it achieves more or less the same swing arc as A (my source on this isn't an engineer). What you will also notice is that B accelerates with more force on the lower swings, but seems to loose this power on the higher swings. That said,there are numerous other reasons that could affect swing height, both mechanical and external, so each time you see the ride swing into action there could be many reasons for the way the ride performs.
  6. Personally I cannot stand the Vampire theme. It really is terrible for Thorpe. It doesn't suit a large park at all and isn't the right type of music for Fright Nights. It's cheesy halloween, not serious, scary, well composed music, such as the midnight syndicate entrance theme as used in previous years. Hearing Vampires music just makes me feel like a great day is coming to a uneventful end. The old music composed by midnight syndicate gave a real feeling of awe asyou walked out of the park, and created quite a dramatic end to the day (admittedly, not all of the bridge speakers work as they used to). Also I dislike the normal entrance music being used at Fright Nights and the usage of SAW music around the park. While it worked well on Stealth, Colossus had a superb track, as created by Midnight Syndicate (one used in 2007) yet this was scrapped for some quite generic, unatmospheric (oooh rhyming) film music.On a different note I have the Rush 2009 music as edited by myself. It is more or less the same as the pieces used on the ride and was edited using video clips to try and make sure I got it right, if any site admin wish to upload them to the site please shout. (Also I have FN08 Slammer Lowering/FN09 Hellgate interior and FN08 Hellgate queue music. This is however not free so I do not know if this is ok to upload).
  7. RobD


    Sounds like Chris from your description.
  8. RobD


    ^ Yup, I'm pretty sure I know who it was, why do you ask?
  9. Has anyone out there got the FN08 Vortex Floor Lowering music? I have found the Slammer FN08 Loading/ Hellgate and FN08 Slammer Lowering, both of which are not available on any website. I can tell you how to find them but I'm not too sure about how legal it is to upload....
  10. Are you illiterate? Can you not read what I posted?I said it was a rough guess based on what people on this forum had reported. If I was 'making up any random reason' I would have said, oh maybe a wheel has fallen off or something... What I posted was based on the knowledge that the train was apparantly not releasing from the catch car correctly. This is a fairly serious problem. More to the point my post is not un-educated. I have a very good knowledge of the ride, I know the former head engineer well, and have had a guided walk around the ride from him with all the important systems and functions of the ride pointed out. So, call it uneducated if you want but, I do believe that gives me a fair bit of knowledge about Stealth. Also, if you would calm down slightly and stop trying to argue about everything, and actually take the time to read my post you will see that I said it was a guess based on what people had said, and I explained my reasoning for coming to such a conclusion. I was wrong, I admit it, yet you have personally decided that I won't forget it. Yet, look in the Rumba topic and everyone is guessing away with no particular clue about te real reason, and no-one tells them to stop trying.
  11. Well thanks for that completely worthwhile post. If you actually read what I said, you would realise it was a guess based on very limited imformation. If you'd rather, I won't bother having a guess next time. Obviously the issue wasn't that serious, and what people described as happening wasn't as bad as expected.
  12. Well, as there is nothing that physically releases the train from the catch car, that isn't right. The catch car stops as it is slowed down by its own smaller set of brakes, which begin just after the photo point. (In case you didn't know, you are at 80 mph more or less by the ORP camera). So if the train is releasing at the wrong point it will be something to do with the motor not performing correctly. Based on this, it sounds rather serious so it might be out for quite a while, however, with such limited information it's hard for anyone who doesn't work there to know....
  13. ^ A Kid you probably have the same source as me (being on CF), but what I was told when I asked the head engineer of Stealth at the time, (know him personally, not just quick word at the park) I was told that the launch was ajusted. So that's my source and that's what I stand by. What reason would he have to lie?
  14. I know I'm going back a fair way here, but I'd just like to point out that this is not at all true. The ride did have it's launch speed ajusted, and I have an extremely reliable source on that one. I'm not too certain where the marketing scheme rumour came from, but it isn't true.And my first post here! Woop.
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