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Posts posted by stealth888

  1. ^^I'll take it you haven't been before or in a while (otherwise you wouldn't have asked that!)obv.here goes....-Get there about 30 mins before opening. If you have an annual pass, go to the AP Q line. If you dont have one, I strongly suggest you print your tickets off online so you can just get there and join the normal entrance queue.Also, the queues wont be as big as they would be, say, 15 mins before opening. (they usually go out into the car park by 9:15)-Go to Saw first. If you have managed to get a decent spot in the entrance queue, you will stand a chance of getting a Saw queue under half an hour. If you bomb it, then you will be lucky to get one under 10 mins or even a walk-on (which I have succeeded in doing!! :P )-If you like thrill rides (I presume you do) then do the big 4 first (Saw, Colossus(usually fit in about 2 rides before it gets busy), Nemesis and Stealth)-The shortest Q times-Opening-10am12-1pm5pm-Closing-The longest Q times-10am-12pm1pm-4pmTo give you an example of a day out, here is a sequence of rides which I follow by:-Saw-Colossus (do it twice if the Q's are under 10 mins)-Stealth (you can fit about 2-3 rides before it gets busy)-Nemesis (usually walk-ons, you can fit about 4-5 goes on this)-Detonator-Rush-Loggers Leap-Slammer-X:/No way out-Zodiac-Vortex-LUNCH-Tidal Wave-Quantum-Samurai-Slammer-Then, whatever you want until closing. You kind of get the jist of what rides get busy and what dont throughout the day, but keep looking on the info boards to check Q times. If you find a once in a lifetime chance (e.g. Its 2pm and Saw is 10 mins long), then take it. Especially if you blew it earlier on.Oh yeah-have a great day!! :P Hope that helped :P

  2. ^^I was kinda bored when I wrote that, explaining the stupidly unrealistic scenarios like painting nemesis blue and changing the whole park to fit the 2012 olympics ;) But I still think the monorail/island idea is kinda cool ;)Edit: for the olympics thing, I meant it to be an event thing like sun scream, with tents/stages around the park advertising it and with interactive/physical activities to get involved in ;)

  3. I'm in the same boat as you. Reading all of these fantastic trip reports makes me want to go even more. I can't help thinking it's such a shame I settled for a Thorpe Park Annual Pass, and didn't splash out on a Merlin Pass.Oh well, I do love Thorpe Park.

    Dont blame you ;) Thanks for the Info themeparkmad, will probably go next week or sometime in the holidays ;)
  4. I have had a fly in my eye on the launch on Stealth. My eyes were watering the whole way round. The girl next to me thought I was crying, ;)

    Haha unlucky ;) #I've been in pole position twice and haven't yet experienced the 'wrath of the flies' ;) I'm sure I saw you on a documentary thing about Mumbo Jumbo at Flamingoland!(I saw it on Youtube and you were getting interviewed! (well, they were asking members of the public what they thought it might be like, and I could've sworn I saw you!))(I know what you look like cos of your profile pic!)(please dont think I'm stalking you!) ;) Anyways, have you ridden it?
  5. Stop talking crap, Security use fully coded language when using their radios, so no they wouldn't have said that.

    Sorry, I was just making a point there that someone had actually taken drugs into the park, and were trying to sell it.My mum was picking me and my brother up and she saw a man getting escorted into a police car, and overheard a security guard talking into his radio, all she heard was-"suspicion of drug theft with intention to sell" (or something like that)I know I said I heard it, but I was just in a hurry when I wrote it ;)
  6. 2010: Earth and gravel is imported to make small islands dotted around the outside of the actual park in the lake.Like so- : O :(The O is the park nowand the dots are the islands around it in the lake..)-The small islands begin construction.-X:/No Way Out is re-themed to fit the Amity theme and made part of the Amity Cove area.It will be called Beach Zone and it would have lights, have paintings on the wall and structures like the ones around Tidal Wave.2011:-The islands have completed phase 1 and concrete starts filling it in.-Construction begins on the new hotel-Nemesis Inferno Will be painted blue.2012:-The park re-themes everythng in the closed period to match the 2012 olympics.This will include assault courses for children, and sports zones for adults/teeenagers.-The islands are complete. Construction for monorails starts to connect all these up and back to the park.So it will look something like this- :>O<:(The lines are the monorail track and the dots are the islands).2013:-The hotel will be finished and opens to the park-The park is re-themed back to normal after the olympics-The islands around the park start to have rides built on them, around the monorail stations and themed individually.2014:-3 new flat rides are introduced around the Stealth area (behind the Q line)-The islands are complete and boats are available for guests to travel to the islands, but with a £2 charge on every person.-Alternatively, the monorail can be used free of charge with a queue line for every station so it oesn't get congested.2015 onwards.......who knows????? :lol:

  7. Bit of an old topic but I would like to contribute :PLongest Queues I've seen:Saw: 4 hours (queue was up round past Colossus's entrance)Colossus: 150 minsNemesis: 120 minsStealth: 2.5 hrsRush:60 minsTidal Wave:130 minsLongest Queues I've been in:Saw:100 minsColossus: 45 mins (been pretty lucky :P )Nemesis: 45 minsStealth: 2.5hrs (unbearable, wwtp radio had already looped and we were getting bored of it) :P Samurai: 45 minsFlying Fish:10 MINS OMG :P:lol:

  8. Unlucky :P what beats me is how security got there so fast, thats what I wanna know!When I left, I heard on one of the guards' walkies that there was a drug dealer in the park, on the bridge trying to sell!Unlucky for him though, the police were there :lol: Do you know how the racial fight started?

  9. ^^lovely.^^ :P My traditions:-I used to go to Saw first but I'd always tire myself out bombing it down there (It was worth it though, front seat of the first car of the day every time!) But now I go to Stealth first and get about 3 goes on it.-Nemesis Straight after that. (about 5 times)-At some point in the day I get a BK fusions millionaires shortbread ice cream-mmm mmm!-Beginning to avoid fastrack but I used to always get the extreme as Colossus and loggers leap would fill up by 11.-Go on Slammer at least 5 times a day (thats new)-Never wait more than 45 minutes for anything.-Always avoid the arcades and outside games as I blew £20 on slots and the basketball games :P Thats about it, although I always get there about 8.45 and get a decent spot in the AP line. :lol:

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