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Biiz Wright

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Everything posted by Biiz Wright

  1. James x) I've had an idea How about theme parks in a different country?
  2. xD indeedy they are xD

  3. Howdy Buckeroo ;)

    I think I've managed to persuade my rentals about the meet up,

    but I didn't persuade em about the merlin pass, cuz they're bitches like that =)

    Love love love love love =)

    jim carry style ;)

  4. Haha x)

    Same tbh xD

    Plus photography and theatre shizz xD

  5. Of Course I do xD

    I'm really good thanks x)

    wubu2 since like forever xD

  6. It is true I have to agree xD

  7. =O

    JAMAL !!!!!!

    I Remember youu !!!!

    How are you me dear?


  8. haha x)

    sounds good to mee

  9. No she hasn't quit shes just not doing Fame =(

  10. Did the hair tips work ?



  11. Haha x)

    Bless her xD

    Well she's not doing the next show any more =(

    I don't blame her though, it's bloody difficult, it's my first principle role this time around, and the dance is so challenging it's ridiculous lol


  12. Noo. . . it wasn't mee. . . .

    I joke x) it was

    I know danielle from Starmaker x) (Theatre Company)

    Guessing you know her from school?

    haha, I really should revise to but its such effort... so I'm gonna fail

    WINNER x)


  13. My day was cold but satisfying lol, mainly because I could stay in me jamas and watch dvds and catch up with coursework that is way overdue . . .


  14. I don't mind copying and pasting :)

    Looks awesome to me xD

  15. I don't mins copying and pasting lol,

    looks awesome to me XD


  16. Yeaah I'm okaay,

    tad chilly though ^-^

    Good day?


  17. haha x)

    don't blame youu

  18. Haha :)

    I woke up at 9.00 and thought oh s**t I have school, but then found out I didn't cuz of the snow lol, which I'm pretty happy abou lol

  19. Yeaah thanks, just tired, and cold, cuz I had to trek out in the snow,

    butt never mind eh?

  20. Hallo x)

    You alright?

  21. Urgh, it;s you.

    Joking x)

    Love you really.


  22. Yeaaah definately x)

    maybe second duble date theme park faw shaww ;)

    Love love

  23. Howdy x)

    You alright?


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