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Posts posted by James39

  1. Strange as a post on twitter two hours ago says slammer and tidal wave are the planned closures in response to a ride availability tweet. It was also completely dead yesterday with no work being done.

    But nonetheless if it is open then great news.

    Assuming my mind wasn't being manipulated by Derren Brown I saw it operating and swiftly rode it just in case it broke down again!

    Still operating now according to queue times website.

  2. Yeah... Do you think I'll need fast track of I'm there this Wednesday and Thursday?

    If you time things right you should easily manage it all in two days. Last hour before close generally a bit quieter and always get in a queue just before close at 10. Half term week very busy though!

  3. Noticed queue for big top spilling out of entrance towards storm surge around 6.30 this evening. Advertised as up to 120 mins.

    Bit of a problem with flooding between tents 2 and 3 after a downpour, staff desperately trying to sweep water away with brooms as part of maze underwater. Guess that's what can happen if you put the maze on a swimming pool!

  4. One of the other poster characters is Cherry Pie. There's also a lion tamer, knife thrower and two twins on other posters, need to look more closely next time!

    I went through Big Top at closing on Sunday and agree it was superb! By far the best of my 3 goes so far

  5. Was good to ride samurai last night again though sloooow operations doubled a 15 minute q

    Big top looking better, were all those hanging punch bag things in the third tent fun house before? The little booth with the man In that was outside between tents 2 and 3 is now in tent 2. We were rushed through and caught up with another group which spoilt it due to a previous estop and then it being past closing so they were rushing everyone through. No chainsaw at end!!!! Hope that's a one off!

    Last scene the clown dressing room had a great clowns silhouette which was a dead ring for professor burp, have they nicked a prop from bubble works? Lol

  6. Well there was quite a few of us gathered on the bridge during the choosing ceremony on Saturday. Maybe it's more a case of stopping any potential abuse actors may get from passers by?

    Could be, but the actors were interacting really well with us on the bridge between maze groups until staff told us to move along. They have a member of staff there all the time to prevent you stopping in the bridge.

  7. Yep they showed up around 5. All dressed as if they were going to a party or club. To be fair they didn't really cause much trouble from what I saw.

    The height of the stilettos on some of the females was amazing, they could barely walk without risk of a broken ankle!

  8. Quite enjoyed the big top last night, especially as it was nearly walk on and we were in a group of only 4! Much more theming needed in the tents though...

    Reckon there were 6 actors in the whole maze, any idea how that compare to other mazes?

    Quite unique having the bridge over the maze to watch people moving between tents but a bit of a missed opportunity as you keep getting moved on even if no one else on the bridge. Assume that's something to do with health and safety?

  9. It's totally unacceptable and their communications to customers during e stops and breakdowns are also a joke.

    The host in the queue told me in Blair Witch during a breakdown that I knew as much as him about what the problem was and how long it would be, I told him that was a totally unacceptable level of communication and customer service, he just said go to guest services!

    The amount of times I've left a queue only for the ride to restart 5 mins later! Appalling customer service generally. I'm just glad I live very close and have a pass.

    Such a shame because there is so much potential

  10. I've just seen this picture on the "visitor posts" section of Thorpe's Facebook page.


    That's the Fastrack queue. Absoloutely shocking, will they ever learn?

    Then they had the nerve to reply with this:

    So a complete disregard for those who have made the effort to visit the park, probably paid in the realm of £30-£50 for a day ticket who are stuck in the standard queue, which knowing Thorpe is probably not moving due to the ridiculous batching of Fastrack!

    EDIT: Just seen this:

    Two hours for Blair Witch?!

    Does Blair Witch suffer more e stops than others? On both thurs and fri we were sent back due to an e stop. Was advertised as 120 mins yesterday but was 60mins with e stop and quite a lot of fastrack.
  11. Even yesterday from like 7-10 it got pretty busy with all mazes 90 minutes.

    Long queue for BWP yesterday when it opened advertised as up to 120 mins, took me 60 minutes with a breakdown due to actor being punched. After that at around 8.45 only queued 20 mins for Cabin and Saw. MBV was nearly walk on from 9.30 too. Generally seemed around 60 min queues up to around 8.30 ish when they died down. Queue boards were not adjusted though.

  12. Do the lines for rides get smaller in the evening? especially on a Sunday?

    Yes because most people are in the maze queues, but only during the weekends before half term I think. The rides have mostly been walk on in the evenings then from my experience.

    Not during half term though when everything is busy!!!

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