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About sumo22

  • Birthday 09/25/1986

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  • Favourite ride
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. sorry but I have not yet been on the ride but it seems that you are the only one that is not enjoying it plus you say the opposite that everyone else is saying loike someone said it is smooth you say its jerky, someone elses said yo can really feel the speed you say its slowI'm sorry but if 90% of the people on here say its a good ride and in some cases people say its the best ride at thorpe park then it has to be goodplus people also say that its not s ride that will strtech your face but is a ride that you will enjoy so if thats what you are looking for then try another ride
  2. So what's gonna happen tomorrow does anyone know?
  3. I think my first visit that I can remember to thorpe park was when I was about 8 or 10 ish I'm now 24 lol

  4. Hi sumo22, when did you first visit Thorpe Park?

  5. sumo22


    I so wanna be a red coat or something like that I will be so good at it I just know it everyone said I should go for it but the money is rubbish compared to what I'm on now and I got kids to bring upI also see that PGL are needing people as well I would love to work there as well its the same job as I'm doing now but at a kids holiday parkccooooolll
  6. Dan

    Welcome :) hope you enjoy it here :D

  7. love it best ride at the park but over to quick lol
  8. wow just joined cant wait to go again

    1. Phill Pritchard

      Phill Pritchard

      Welcome to the forum. :)

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