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Matt 236

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Posts posted by Matt 236

  1. It’s strange yet uniquely interesting now most of Efteling’s rides use a cattle-pen like style, although least they seem somewhat presentable.


    Apparently when Droomvlucht (Dreamflight) originally opened it featured a more elaborately themed queue hall, which was straight ahead where the grand entrance is. However the ride became so overwhelmingly popular the park needed a better solution to handle the crowds, which is why the cattlepen round the side was built.


    This probably explains why pretty every large addition (bar Dutchman) features a cattle-pen type queue.

  2. 39 minutes ago, Mattgwise said:

    But you are looking forward to riding it haha!

    Well, I wouldn’t say no to checking it out but that will depend on all factors worth considering such as queue line and priority. Plus as much as I would like to, I'm certainly not overweighting it against such rides as Baron, Symbolica or De Vlieglande Hollander.


    I understand what you mean by the disappointment, as aside from the station I think perhaps more theming/interactive elements could have been done.  

  3. 1 minute ago, Mattgwise said:

    Matt! Maybe for any children out there. Not for you! 


    What looks great? 

    Indeed, hence why it is an entry level coaster. 

    It’s clearly designed for groups with young families (likely around ages 3-7) and am sure will be enjoyable for those groups before they venture onto bigger rides such as Vogel, Dutchman etc.


    Whilst there are certainly elements that maybe could do with more, such as landscaping and theming elements. I do think the trains and station look particularly enticing, which is probably again fitting for that target they are aiming for. 



  4. I liked Bob. Sure it lacked the theming and throughput of a lot of the newer rides but it was a fun and unique attraction. Riding at night on my last time seems fitting.


    Max and Moritz looks an appropriate entry level coaster, so is naturally much different than Bob which was more of a thrill coaster in it’s time. Some of the elements of the new attraction look great, although I think more could’ve been done.


    The thrill coaster they’ve been trying to build will supposedly be more of a replacement. However that depends if they can eventually get planning permission, which so far has been unsuccessful.

  5. Looks more underwhelming than a deprived shopping centre, let alone a theme park. 

    Sure the Atlantis theming was cheesy, dated and possibly made the place look like a Blackpool arcade. But it gave the place a fun, characterful appearing and like Josh said still fitted the park. Sadly it’s the norm more times than not for one step forwards two/three back, but it is what it is! I guess.


    The other signage looks alright I guess.

  6. Can understand a lot of the woes there.


    I think the people calling it Poo Fire for the sake of humour and opinion are being a little silly. I completely understand why some people might dislike the ride given it’s not the biggest,fastest or even most exciting (gasps) but that doesn’t mean it’s no good.

    Whilst I personally prefer Helix and even Icon (controversial maybe), there are still a lot of things I like about the ride, from it’s launch/dark ride section, ride interactions and last inversion. Not to mention it’s a throughput monster (pre-covid at least).


    On the note of unpopular opinions, here’s mine. Blackpool has the best collection of dark rides in the U.K.

  7. Didn’t know where to put this so decided to create a new thread. Mods change as you like!


    The North Hamptonshire Telegraph are reporting that Wicksteed Park has gone into administration due to the financial impact of the corona virus. It is also believed staff have lost their jobs and will apply for redundancy packages.


    Such a great shame this has happened for the park, which is also home to a classic water chute ride too.

  8. 6 hours ago, Mark9 said:


    I literally want to live in the Chiapas plaza. 

    I would happily live anywhere anywhere in Phantasialand. Except for Crazy Bats/Nighthawk!


    Staying on-site is the nearest thing to this indeed.


    Might as well list my favourite theme park hotels I’ve stayed at.


    5/ Legoland Hotel- Legoland Windsor 

    Staying here is a Lego fan’s dream. Booked this in off-season and was much cheaper than usual. Expected a glorified Travelodge but was pleasantly surprised, from the physical (lego built) theming, shows, amenities and excellent service. You could even find a Lego polybag in your room!

    The breakfast wasn’t too bad either. 

    4/  La Cite Suspendue- Parc Asterix 

    A unique yet pleasant surprise. You stay in a room which is clustered with a few others in modest sized buildings. It’s secluded and quiet surroundings certainly give this place a strong feel of escapism away from the theme park, let alone the real world!

    3/ Newport Bay- DIsneyland Paris

    My first (and hopefully not last) Disney hotel stay. I love the grand exterior and the inside reminds me of a ship, which is likely intentional. Rooms are reasonably themed and the pool area a pleasant surprise to visit. The main restaurant is decent enough and the complex located a short convenient  walk from the parks.

    2/ Efteling Hotel- Efteling 

    Grand, big and beautiful, it is pretty much what you would expect from an Efteling hotel. The rooms feature discreet but noticeable theming and styling appropriate to the park’s character. The breakfast is delectable enough although the park entry for the hotel  is underwhelming given you go straight through a play area as opposed to an architectural master piece!


    1/ Hotel Ling Bao- Phantasialand 
    Staying here was literally like being transported to another world. From it’s splendid decor throughout, there is literally nothing I can fault here. The bars were cosy yet reasonable and breakfast offering excellent cultural culinary delights. The park’s Chinese area  is also open to hotel goers In the evenings, making this by far the nearest experience to staying the night in a park! 

    Surprisingly haven’t stayed at any of Europa’s hotels yet but they all look great. Colosseo or Bell Rock are the ones I would choose if I ever get the chance.

  9. Rapids look pleasant enough with much of the theming, a,though perhaps a little bare in places which I’m sure will improve in time. Fingers crossed this park continues to move forward.


    I find it very strange Power Park have invested in a similar Gerstlauer to Junket, but if it’s something new for them that’s a positive I suppose.

  10. It is no secret that Monseur Cannibal is essentially a racist themed attraction and the issue is only becoming more and more prevalent with recent events over the years.


    I adore many of Efteling’s charming and whimsical attractions but not so much this one. A cannibal theme set in Africa is quite shocking to say the least and I always avoid this ride when I visit.


    The sooner they partly or fully re-theme the attraction, the better it will be for anyone really.

  11. Things are far from perfect right now for many people. I’ve had several trips delayed/cancelled, life plans on hold and continue to be furloughed for the time being.


    Whilst it’s really easy to just go on a rant and wave about everything not working out, I just try to remember a few things. There are a lot of people in a much worse position, whether they have lost their jobs, battling an illness or have lost a loved one. 

    2020 has been an awful year for almost everyone, but I’m trying to focus on the first 2.1 months of the year which were actually enjoyable. Plus one day, there will be something to look forward to again. For everyone.

  12. A fairly interesting selection of merch there. I particularly like the look of the new Rangers Mug. 

    Shame about Total Thorpe Park closing. I guess that makes TPM the last fansite purely dedicated with the possible exception of TTSP?

  13. Interesting how Merlin are going about not reopening these dark rides. I’m guessing the poise of social distancing measures are somewhat more difficult to achieve in these spaces given they are enclosed. 

    Shame if all these ride types can not reopen anytime in the foreseeable but only time will tell. 

  14. Not a fan of the changes done to the Blue Fire queue line, but understandably this is to make social distancing easier.


    On the other hand, love the changes they’ve done to Geisterschloss and Schweizer. Love when parks plush their older attractions. The Batavia area and preview look excellent, especially the facade area. 

    Cant say I’m a fan of the EP radio thing. I’m sure it will serve some purpose to it’s visitors but much prefer themed audio. Already miss hearing ALLO ALLO in the French area.

  15. Is it too soon for me to say it’s a great big beautiful tomorow?


    Regardless it’s great to see the parks slowly reopen, even if current situations are limiting things such as shows and capacity. Some parks in Germany also opened today such as Europa (albeit on much lower capacity and changes with social distancing measures).

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