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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. Posted this on 2013 changes as well, sorry for double post...

    I know the change of the name has been given... but we now have conformation that 'X' won't be opening for the start of the season, which leads to basically confirming that something is being changed.

    Comments from a status of Thorpe on facebook...

    Martin Cooper Looking at a few live streams from today, X doesn't look like it will be open tomorrow. Please prove me wrong Thorpe, as I'd love to see what has changed with the ride!

    THORPE PARK Official Hi Martin, we are working hard to get X ready for opening later in Spring - watch this space as we will bring you all the news of the changes soon

    Merlin theme parks just can't stick to deadlines...

  2. The headache advert is brilliant. My only concern is that a massive billboard doesn't really fit in with a quiet town in the countryside... And also the advert isn't seared like the buildings are. :P

    but staiines isn't a quiet town in the countryside

  3. They haven't changed the new notice boards outside x

    An image of the theatre has just been posted on the live feed. So... what exactly has been changed? Everything looks exactly the same, from the canon impact still on the walls to the peeling paint. Have they removed the queueline or something?

    The paving looks doggy as well outside the theater. well at least Depth Charge has got new red boats instead of those ps2 need for speed ones.
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