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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. Wow a lot has been released whilst I was on park today!

    1) I hope Thorpe give out free popcorn with all these movie themed mazes!

    , not up to the standards of HHN's ,

    2) HHN do themeing well but when it comes to scares they don't touch you making it a less immersive and persistent scare but just a jump scare.

    3) I don't see how dog/cat or whatever masks they are can be scary.

    4) Cabin in the woods would be great if they can recreate the scene with all monsters in the glass cabinets escaping.

    5) I would love to see a zombies maze.

  2. It seems that Brave it Backwards is actually amazing, let me explain. The main queue was around 2 hours most of the day but at around 1pm BiB was empty meaning you could queue up there, hide your ticket (which they weren't even giving out or asking for) and go forwards in 10 minutes. Result! Fastrack was once again heaving at The Swarm (where as Stealth had hardly any and only a 60 minute queue, could this possible be a link! ;) ) The only issue is how quick the BiB queue grows again to something stupid like 100 minutes.

    A great snippet of a conversation I heard in the queue today which I though was worth sharing.

    Person 1: Did you know this is all based on a plane crash?

    Person 2: Why's it called Swarm then, it should be called Crash.

    Person 1: They couldn't call it that as they have that by the entrance.

    I second that.

    I was there today

    1) It was weird as we got on the back of the swarm without no ticket in 5mins via the backwards queue whilst the main queue was 2 hours.

    2) I now have to be height checked for swarm.......... soon it will be no more

  3. Ahh, so when you go to be allowed on, scanning your QR code, you have to show your entrance ticket as well to be allowed on?

    If so, can people who visited today (JoshC) confirm this? Otherwise you'll end up with the blatant abuse that the old virtual queue (Fastrack) systems got which is why they were eradicated in first place!

    I think you show your entrance tickets to get the paper versions for the ppl without smart phones

  4. We are testing, but currently we close queue lines when the Park reaches closing time and then allow everyone in the queue to ride. The plan for the virtual queue would be the same unless we encounter issues with this.

    No you couldn't, because you would have to use your entrance ticket number to validate the booking, so cannot duplicate :)

    But what if you wanted to ride more than once in the day would the timings reset so you can ride each coaster more than once?

  5. As you say, you've thought of this (only highlighting old fastrack issue). Doesn't this still mean you can book 4 rides with 4 different smartphones and still use paper though? Although you can only use paper once? :)

    Just what I was thinking Thorpe's answer was not very clear

  6. Hi Inferno,

    To answer your questions -

    - We are working on a project to improve the park experience for guests in dwell areas around the Park for next year

    - We would initially be implementing this on our most popular rides so it is unlikely that there will be seats going spare - but of course this is why we are trialling the system to see how it works and how we can troubleshoot any issues

    - The system is smart enough that the virtual queue would automatically be extended for the duration of the down time

    - We know it is risky it but we want to make it work for our guests which is why we are testing it out now :)

    Cheers Thorpe nice to see you on the forum

  7. Maybe not quite that obvious, but yes, that sort of idea. Maybe more like (from what I hear, not done it myself) the Vampire maze at Chessington, which I'm told is fun scary with a decent narrative, not YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE scary. As for the roaming actors they used to have these at Chessington, all sorts of terrifying things (the best of which were huge stilted three legged things which would chase people for ages), a skilled actor knows their target and how to chose them. Older families would be fine with that sort of thing.

    Surely anyway if families were there the roaming actors would avoid scaring them

  8. Sorry if not clear, I did mean families with slightly older children. Just because children are over 12 doesn't mean they are no longer a family. I mean family in the same sense as the park have done with their advertising - children who are still big enough to ride the big rides. I don't imagine we'll see anything like hocus pocus story time, or whatever it is called, but at least one maze which is 'fun' scary more than 'dark' scary, if you know what I mean.

    Like the comedy maze at HHN?

  9. CCR ghost train would be awesome, and it would be nice to see the return of CCR an hopefully have it running again for the 2014 season(maybe the farm could come back please thorpe?!)

    However, I really don't think even if there is a maze for families I doubt any will turn up:

    1. Roaming actors- kids will be scared to death of them.

    2. I don't think this appeals to families; 'The UK's most chilling Halloween event.' And 'Are you ready for the next level of fear this Halloween?.

    I think the families will be sticking to chessington.

    Also, It does say 'late night attractions are not suitable for under 12s'. Another reason why I don't think families will turn up.

    Farm animals have been sold/donated to other places so very unlikely but surely a ghost train would be a good idea as the train moves slow and actors could get close without h/s issues.

  10. Whilst queueing for X today, the spekers outside were playing this track, sort of piano/keyboard type track, but it kept cutting out and restarting every 10 seconds or so. Anyone know the name of it?

    It's just the theme music for X isn't it as they want it to be seen as ravey

  11. shame they don't go into the dead of the night

    Scare tour 12 year synopsis- 2003

    Over at the 4D cinema, the park experimented with the Horror Movie Bites show, which showed iconic clips from classic horror movies. This was a very lacklustre show with the only great effect coming when the film “broke down” during Texas Chainsaw Massacre and an actor dressed as Leatherface came out brandishing a chainsaw!

    So there are already connections with Texas chainsaw!

  12. Extended dates could it be possible to see 11pm-12pm closing as that would be great.

    Imagine if they had like 100 roaming actors and at the end of the night they all migrated on the beach. How creepy would that be.

  13. It was a good tunnel, very claustrophobic but just a bit too much, especially with the slope it was just a bit silly, and I thought the tunnel was actually the main part of the whole maze if you think about it! The other mazes were like always amazing though. Stick to the shorter, ex10 tunnel with scares at the end...

    Totally agree I think there was a guy at the end of the tunnel in the passing but only for a glance. TBH it was more fun watching people freak out about going through the tunnel

  14. Tbh last year I found the passing to be pretty tame.... It started off well until the end of the tunnel but then it just seemed like corridors placed together with hardly any scare actors. I think they could make a large improvement.

    I feel that they also need to add more scare actors around the park to make you feel vulnerable as the only time they gave me the creeps was right at the start of the night when we entered and they surrounded the doors into the dome. Making me have to walk through with no reaction so that I did not show any fear resulting in a scare.

  15. very good find, and I generally think this is a possibility. An IP maze based around a twisted picture's production. This really could be it, but who knows... Only thing is is that here the lines do not seem to seperate the top of the letters from the bottom, unlike with the thorpe park one?

    Twisted pictures are part of saw aren't they?

  16. Please say they bring back week nights when the park is pretty much dead.

    And the one thing that I think stands out for FN is that the actors touch you making the experience a lot more scary unlike the states were it is just a jump scare and going back to hiding in the mazes. At HHN for example.

  17. I was speaking to staff today and they were saying that they are waiting for the other two trains hence why the queue is longer at the moment I enjoyed it though.

  18. So Thorpe park are advertising that the Mend are playing tonight 8pm in the dome, I don't know who they are but I am more interested in seeing whether or not anyone can go to this entertainment. Even those not staying at the crash pad...and if there is a cost.

    Who's excited about watching The Mend play live tonight at THORPE PARK?
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